Aquesta cançó Wide awake (2012) és interpretada per la cantant i compositora nord-americana Katy Perry, part de l’àlbum Teenage Dream.
I’m wide awake
I’m wide awake
I’m wide awake
Yeah, I was in the dark
I was falling hard
With an open heart
I’m wide awake
How did I read the stars so wrong?
I’m wide awake
And now it’s clear to me
That everything you see
Ain’t always what it seems
I’m wide awake
Yeah, I was dreaming for so long
I wish I knew then
What I know now
Wouldn’t dive in
Wouldn’t bow down
Gravity hurts
You made it so sweet
Till I woke up on
On the concrete
Falling from cloud
Crashing from the high
I’m letting go tonight
Yeah, I’m falling from cloud
I’m wide awake
Not losing any sleep
I picked up every piece
And landed on my feet
I’m wide awake
Need nothing to complete myself, no
I’m wide awake
Yeah, I am born again
Out of the lion’s den
I don’t have to pretend
And it’s too late
The story’s over now, the end
I wish I knew then
What I know now
Wouldn’t dive in
Wouldn’t bow down
Gravity hurts
You made it so sweet
Till I woke up on
On the concrete
Falling from cloud
It was out of the blue, I’m
Crashing from the high
I’m letting go tonight
Yeah, I’m ready to go, I’m
I’m falling from cloud
I’m wide awake
Thunder rumbling
Castles crumbling
I am trying to hold on
God knows that I tried
Seeing the bright side
But I’m not blind anymore
I’m wide awake
I’m wide awake
Yeah, I’m falling from cloud
It was out of the blue, I’m
Crashing from the high
You know I’m letting go tonight
Yeah, I’m ready to go, I’m
I’m falling from cloud
I’m wide awake
I’m wide awake
I’m wide awake
I’m wide awake
I’m wide awake
En la lletra de la cançó hi trobem dos tòpics clàssics: furor amoris (‘vaig estar a les fosques/caient amb força/amb un cor obert’) i l’altre és carpe diem, no explícit en la lletra, però es veu clarament perquè diu que obre els ulls després d’una espiral d’amargura i torna a viure la vida, sense perdre el temps.
En el vídeo es veu com la cantant, vestida amb un peple, va entrant a un laberint com el de Minotaure. Més tard, es troba amb dos Minotaures mentre recorre el passadís d’un hospital.
Què simbolitza la trobada amb els minotaures? T’havies fixat en els referents clàssics?
Camila Arigón
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