Nemesis, de Benjamin Clementine

Nemesis, de Benjamin Clementine, cantautor, compositor i pianista anglès, és la cançó del dimecres 6 de maig de 2020, del dia 52 de confinament de La història a casa de Sàpiens.

Lletra de la cançó en anglès  (i en castellà):

If I held my breath on you
I would have died a thousand times
And if chewing was to show you
How much I cared
I would probably be wearing dentures by now

I said if I held my breath on you
I would have died a thousand times
And if chewing was to show you
How much I cared
I would probably be wearing dentures by now

Our promises broken
Nemesis is our token
So you turn around and march on
Out to your new home
Wherever you’ve gone darling
Please don’t you ever forget to…

Treat others the way, you want to be treated
Remember your days are fully numbered

Just march on
Just march on
March on
If you held your breath on me
You would have died a million times
And if chewing was to show me
How much you cared
You would have probably swallowed
Your tongue by now

All I’m trying to say darling
Is that you know very well
That I left her for you
Now I guess you are doing the same old
Same thing to me now

Now these days Hennessy dries my veins
As our genesis smiles back at me
Now heresy might be your new fate, faith
Whatever you‘ve chosen to believe in darling
Don’t you ever forget to…

Treat others the way, you want to be treated
Remember your days are fully numbered

Treat others the way, you want to be treated
Remember your days are fully numbered

Can’t say anything for you no more
Nemesis is on your case, darling
Next time
Treat others the way you want to be treated
Otherwise you’ll get your punishment
And life ain’t a b*tch
Nemesis is, nemesis is, nemesis is, nemesis is
Is the mother of karma
Karma -Remember-
Karma -Remember-
Karma -Remember, remember, remember-

So long you run

A La Madeja, de Radio 3, van dedicar un especial molt recomanable a Benjamin Clementine quan va aparèixer el seu primer àlbum: singular, inclassificable, únic, un músic que posseeix la crua solemnitat de Nina Simone, les frases elegants de Nat King Cole, la passió d’Édith Piaf i la humanitat de Leo Ferré.

  • Sabeu qui era Nèmesi (en grec, Νέμεσις) en la mitologia grega?
  • Què personificava?
  • Quina relació hi veieu amb el títol de la cançó?
Nèmesi, Getty Villa