“Do not Forget” (No ho oblidis) és l’àlbum d’estudi debut de la cantant i compositora nord-americana Demi Lovato. L’àlbum va ser llançat el 23 de setembre de 2008 als Estats Units. Lovato va escriure la majoria de les cançons de l’àlbum amb els Jonas Brothers, els quals es van encarregar de la producció al costat- de John Fields.
Sabríeu dir quin tòpic literari hi ha en aquesta cançó?
[youtube width=”650″ height=”550″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PCmC5m64Jk[/youtube]
There’s a man dying on the side of the road,
Won’t make it home tonight.
He was driving fast on his cellular phone,
that’s how he lived his life.
And while he was hangin’ by a thread
these were the final words he said
My girl turns sweet sixteen today,
she’s beautiful, so beautiful.
It might get rough sometimes
but I hope she keeps her faith (hope she keeps her faith)
I wish I grabbed a chance to say to her
Life is too short so take the time and appreciate
There’s a women crying on the kitchen floor,
She got a call tonight.
Now she’s trembling outside her daughter’s door
Walks in and holds her tight
Wondering how and where to start,
Is there a way to shield her heart?
My girl turns sweet sixteen today,
she’s beautiful, so beautiful.
It might get rough sometimes but I hope she keeps her faith.
(hope she keeps her faith)
I wish I grabbed the chance to say to her
Life is too short so take the time and appreciate
Any but a loving way
It heard along the way
don’t be afraid to open up
And use the time you have before it fades
Show your love today
My girl turns sweet sixteen today,
she’s beautiful, so beautiful.
it might get rough sometimes
but I hope she keeps her faith (hope she keeps her faith)
I wish I grabbed
chance to say to her
Life is too short so take the time and appreciate.
Life is too short so take the time and appreciate.
Rebeca Barroso
2n de Batxillerat Llatí
Per començar dir que sóc molt fan de Demi Lovato i que m’ha fet milta ilussió trobar-me aquesta cançó.
En aquesta cançó hi ha el tpic de “Carpe ´Diem” que es refereix a que s’ha de viure el dia a dia, valorant el que tens i no malgastant el temps en coses que no son tan importants. S’ha d’aprendre a priortzar i a apreciar les coses.
Bonum diem,
El que vol dir la cançó de Demi Lovato es que has de viure el dia a dia, sense penedir-se de res i apreciant el que tens. EL tòpic literari, com diu la meva companya, és el de “Carpe Diem”.