El musical Hair Spray tracta de l’amor entre adolescents i també sobre el règim de segreció racial o apartheid que hi havia a Amèrica del nord durant els anys 60. La història té lloc a Baltimor, una ciutat on tot surt malament per a la protgonista fins que té la possibilitat d’entrar en un programa de televisió en el que hi participa un noi del qual està enamorada. Quan canten la cançó de Without Love, fan referència a l’amor impossible de Danfe i Apol·lo com a exemple del que és una vida sense amor.
Once I was a selfish fool
Who never understood
Never looked inside myself
Though on the outside, I looked good
Then we met and you made me
The man I am today
Tracy, I’m in love with you
No matter what you weigh
‘Cause without love
Life is like the seasons with no summer
Without love
Life is rock ‘n’ roll without a drummer
Tracy, I’ll be yours forever
‘Cause I never wanna be without love
Tracy, never set me free, no, I ain’t lying
Never set me free, Tracy, no, no, no
Living in the ghetto
Black is everywhere ya go
Who’d have thought I’d love a girl
Whose skin was white as winter snow
In my ivory tower
Life was just a Hostess snack
But now I’ve tasted chocolate
And I’m never going back
‘Cause without love
Life is like a beat that you can’t follow
Without love
Life is like the Dafne and the Apollo
Darling, I’ll be yours forever
‘Cause I never wanna be without love
So darling, never set me free
No, I’m yours forever
Never set me free, no, no, no
If I’m left without my baby doll
I don’t know what I’ll do
Link, I’ve got to break out
So that I can get my hands on you
And girl, if I can’t touch you
Then I’m gonna lose control
Seaweed, you’re my black white knight
I’ve found my blue-eyed soul
Sweet freedom is our goal
Trace, I wanna kiss you
Let me out at the next toll
Without love
Life is like a prom that won’t invite us
Without love
It’s like getting my big break and laryngitis
Without love
Life’s a ’45 when you can’t buy it
Without love
Life is like my mother on a diet
Like a week that’s only Mondays
Only ice cream, never sundaes
Like a circle with no center
Like a door marked ‘Do Not Enter’
Darling, I’ll be yours forever
‘Cause I never wanna be without love
Yes, now you’ve captured me
Without love, I surrender happily
Without love, oh Seaweed
Never set me free , no, no, no, I ain’t lying
Never set me free, no, no, no
No, I don’t wanna live without love, love, love
Darling, you had best believe me
Never leave me without love
- Coneixeu més musicals amb referents clàssics?
- Coneixeu el mite d’Apol·lo i Dafne? Quin paral·lelisme hi podeu establir?…
Arnau Torres Nadal 1r Batx C