33 thoughts on “Cultura clàssica

  1. Pingback: El fil de les clàssiques » Blog Archive » Treballs cultura clàssica

  2. M Joana Virgili Gasol

    He llegit “Els jocs infantils a Grècia i Roma” i estan copiats, de manera i déntica, de la nostra publicació “Juguem com jugaven les nenes i els nens de Tarraco”. penso que al menys s’hauria de citar la font d’on s’han copiat o si més no estructura-los diferents. Tanmateix l’enhorabona per la iniciativa, Afegeixo que la imatge que figura com a circ romà en l’apartat “Urbanisme Grec i Romà” és l’amfiteatre de Tàrraco, no el circ.
    M Joana Virgili CdA de la ciutat de Tarragona

  3. Margalida Capellà Soler Post author

    Tota la raó tens, Joana, i agraeixo el teu comentari perquè és precisament el que els vaig dir en l’exposició oral i el que intento sempre inculcar als meus alumnes. De mica en mica, aconseguirem que entenguin que sempre s’han de citar les fonts, que fins i tot honora el seu treball, i que sense el treball previ d’altra gent poca cosa poden fer, tot i que sempre han de procurar afegir un granet de sorra. Moltíssimes gràcies per la vostra feina, sou un autèntic model.

  4. Valentina Villanueva

    I hope in this class we’ll see videos in every class, i prefer it before that do exams, exercices and explains with a book. It’s better and funniest.

  5. alexia

    I think what the culture classic is so very interesting but in spanish, personally i love the history, but is so difficult to learn, and the culture classic talk about of the history.
    My expectation of this subject, is so nice but at the moment I don’t know exactly what the subject is about.

  6. Lander Luna

    This subject is interesting because my fathers tink english is very important, and i like antique Greece.

  7. Valentina Villanueva

    I hope in this class we’ll see videos of classical culture in every class, is really good. But I’d like to do something more, like some exercices (not like copy from a book) or do something with the computers.

  8. Kevin Marrero

    I think this is very interesting because you know the history of Greece and Rome. I’m learning how the Romans and Greeks go to the historical battles and sometimes win and lose.

  9. Pau Marin

    I hope that his subject learn more english learning history. We going to do activities in english related with the Roman and Greek’s culture.

  10. nais

    the culture is very very interesting in my live,… but sometimes is boring. this page is beautiful

  11. loko'h13

    this page is very intersiting, for study of culture.If you need do a work of history … enter in this page

  12. Maria

    What I think of the classical culture, it is very nice, because it is what happened in the ancient world.
    I love classical culture is very interesting and important but in Spanish it is better.
    My expectation is so nice and the cinema of the simpson’s is fun.
    I like studying the history in English.

  13. Pau Marin

    Troy is good film. This film explain the history of the war of Troy v.s. Sparta, because the prince of Troy secuestred Helen of Sparta. Also the film have a lot of good especial efects.

  14. el ChHachHo'hhh KquE tE MmaTaa'hHH

    Troy is a very good film of mithology of the greece the film has a very good especial fects and actors perfom very well this film is so beatiful i recomentid 🙂 tkm

  15. naisraelhernAndeZ

    the movie of troy is very beautyful , my fabourite actor is Brad pitt (Aquiles) , is most interesting.

    The film gladiator , i don’t like because is most difficult.

  16. Lander

    Troy is a good film. i like every fight and battle. and reflects the story as it was

    i like the second film but is more difficult than Troy

  17. ErTtQueBihn

    Troy: This film it’s so beautiful. I love the story he tells, the battles, the fights moments, the action and all militars strategies. Actors do it very well, but my favorite is the protagonist Achiles, played by Brad Pitt.

    Gladiator: The Gladiator’s film is the best of the of the two films, because the fights in the arena are very exciting and the battles are more epic and realistic than the battles of the flim of Troy. Russel Crowe make a espectacular actuation and I love the film, for me it is a very brave and strong man, a fighter.

  18. Aya

    Gladiator movie is very nice with a very sad story too. But I really enjoyed it. The film is very interesting and very well crafted. The character that I liked is the protagonist, because although they kill the family continues to struggle.

  19. alexia alvarez

    Gladiators history is tragic, but also heroic character shows a strong will and a great fighting spirit, I think it is very well made​​.
    I think they represent very well the Greek mythology and their characters are very well characterized. This very well done

  20. Maria

    Film Troy: I liked the movie very much. My favorite thing was when Paris’cousin falls in love with Achilles . At the beginning of the film, when Troyans struggle against the Greeks and the Trojans win is exciting. The least I liked was when Hector died.

  21. jordi morancho

    Troy Movie:
    the movie of Troy, i found good, it had good costumes, everything was very detailed, the effects of blood, smoke and doubles. My favorite character is Achilles and Hector i don’t like the end.

  22. Pau Marin

    Gladiator is a film that explains the life of the gladiators in Rome, and a little of history. This film is interesting, and the scenes of the batttles are very good

  23. Noel Mamaril

    It’s a very good movie yaou can learn many things, good and bad things… The movie is about a war that no one knows if it’s real or just a legend. but I’d like it, The part I liked is when Achilles makes love with Paris and Hector’s cousin.

  24. Maria

    I like the movie of Gladiator. My favourite thing was when Gladiator kills the king because he deserved it. I like when Gladiator is dying and he dreams that he sees his wife and son. The least I like is when the family of the gladiator dies unfairly.

  25. Edgar

    I think Gladiator is a very good film. It is very nice the fight and all
    all the gladiators.

    My favourite part is when the gladiator fights with de Caesar and Caesar dies.

  26. Pingback: Classical Culture: “Zeus, king of the gods” | El Fil de les Clàssiques

  27. Ariadna Ruiz


    He llegit totes les presentacions, crec que la dels espectacles a Roma i a Grècia si hi hagués un fons que no fos blanc estaria millor estèticament!

    Pel que fa la presentació dels jocs infantils no l’he pogut ni visualitzar ja que no em deixa, em diu accés denegat, estaria bé que ho arreclesi-ho. També em passa el mateix amb el del grècia en roma.

    La presentació d’urbanisme grec i romà m’ha agradat força, però n’he trobat algunes faltes d’ortografia.

  28. Alicia

    Sempre m’ha agradat molt la cultura, la mitología, i tot lo relacionat amb la història. Ara que estic a Llatí he aprés molt sobre la cultura dels romans i una llengua que sempre m’ha critat l’atenció. A Cultura Clássica he aprés grec (un altre idioma en el cual estaba interessada) i més i més cultura.

    M’he donat compte de que es una de les coses que millor s’hem dóna fer i més m’agrada; aprendre història i noves llengües, i aquí ho he trobat.

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