Coldplay és una banda anglesa d’estil post-britpop-rock alternatiu formada l’any 1997 a Londres. Els seus membres són: Chris Martin(cantant, guitarra i teclats), Jon Buckland (guitarra), Guy Berryman (baix) i Will Champion (bateria).
Sota les influències d’U2, Pink Floyd, a-ha, R.E.M., Echo i Bunnymen, Bob Dylan, The Flaming Lips, foren comparats inicialment amb bandes com Radiohead, Oasis, Jeff Buckley, Travis i Kate Bush. Van aconseguir l’èxit mundial ja amb el primer àlbum llançat al 2000. Des de llavors han publicat quatre àlbums d’estudi amb els quals han aconseguit nombrosos i importants premis musicals i han venut més de 50 milions de discs arreu del món. La seva música es caracteritza per unes lletres molt introspectives.

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Honey you are a rock, upon which I stand
and I came here to talk I hope you understand.
That green eyes, yeah the spotlight shines upon you
and how could anybody deny you.

I came here with a load and it feels so much lighter, now I met you
and honey you should know that I could never go on without you.
Green eyes.

Honey you are the sea, upon which I flow, and I came to talk
I think you should know.
That green eyes, you’re the one that I wanted to find
and anyone who tried to deny you
must be out of their mind.

Because I came here with a load and it feels so much lighter since I met you
and honey you should know that I could never go on without you.
Green eyes, green eyes
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

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