In UNIT 6 – Women and Sport you are going to study the following topics:

  • Vocabulary: Sports. Adjective suffixes
  • Grammar: Modal & modal perfects
  • Reading: Connectors
  • Listening: Conversations
  • Speaking: Agreeing & disagreeing. Speculating & predicting.
  • Writing: for & against essay


The first thing you are going to do is try to remember all the vocabulary you know about sports. Do some of the following exercises and complete a list with all the sports you can and their translation into Catalan.

If you want to know more about women and sport, you can have a look at the following pages:


Many adjectives can end in -ed or -ing. For example:
– I’m excited about tomorrow.
– This is an exciting book.

When the adjective ends in -ed, it describes the feeling of something. For example:
– I’m interested in modern art. (This is my personal feeling)
– I was really bored yesterday.

When the adjective ends in -ing, it describes the feeling given by something. For example:
– Modern art is interesting. (“Modern art” can’t feel, but it makes me feel interested.).
– The news was shocking. (The “news” gives us a shocking feeling)

– He’s bored. – He has nothing to do, he’s not enjoying himself. This describes his feeling.
– He’s boring. – He’s not an interesting person. This describes the feeling he gives to other people.

Now you should do some exercises to practice this topic:


Connectors are linking words which join ideas and show how these ideas are related to one another. They also help us to organise our writing and make it easy for the reader to follow, giving cohesion and coherence to the texts.

  • Some connectors are used to connect similar ideas or information, they are addition connectors. These are some examples of this type of connectors: in addition, furthermore, moreover, as well as, also, and.
  • There are some connectors used to express contrast. They connect contrasting ideas or information: but, however, nevertheless, yet, still, although, even if, even though, in spite of, despite.

Be careful because some connectors have similar meanings, but they are followed by different structures and are written in specific places in the sentence (students book – page 74). Here you have some exercises to practise them:

(optional activity)

When we write a for & against essay, we present both sides of an issue and conclude by supporting one of the sides. This type of essays must include:

  1. Opening: Introduction to the issue.
  2. Body:
    1. Presentation of the side the writer disagrees with
    2. Presentation of the side the writer agrees with
  3. Conclusion: The writer’s opinion.

There is some useful language and expressions you can use in for & against essays: on the one hand, on the other hand, on the whole, it is true that, to sum up, in short, firstly, secondly, moreover, furthermore, in addition, I believe that, in my opinion.


  • Optional activity: write a
    for & against essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of learning a language using internet (100 words). Send the composition to mario.itaca@gmail.com with for & against in the subject of the message, before the end of the classes.
  • Make a list with all the sports you can and their translation into Catalan. Send the composition to mario.itaca@gmail.com with sports in the subject of the message, before the end of the classes.

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