3 ESO – CONTENTS UNIT 3 “Lifestyle” |
We have started this unit watching the film Supersize Me. Here you have the trailer to remember it.
The VOCABULARY of this unit is about HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE and you have to do the following Wordsearch and send the words with the Catalan translation to cristina.itaca@gmail.com.
You also need to remember the vocabulary about FOOD AND DRINK, so you can start with the following exercises:
- Fruits
- Vegetables 1
- Vegetables 2
- Food
- Drinks
- Vegetables
- Food and drinks – Exercise 1
- Food and drinks – Exercise 2
- Food and drinks – Exercise 3
- Food and drinks – Exercise 4
- Food and drinks (Spanish-English)
It’s time to deal with the GRAMMAR points. First of all we are going to practice with some QUANTIFIERS. To use them correctly it is important to remember the difference between countable and uncountable nouns:
Countable nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count and they can be singular or plural | Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot “count” them. For example, we cannot count “milk”. We can count “bottles of milk” or “litres of milk”, but we cannot count “milk” itself. We usually treat uncountable nouns as singular. We use a singular verb. |
dog, man, person, bottle, box, litre | Music, love, rice, sugar, water, electricity, gas, money, |
Now you are ready to do the following exercise to recognise Countable or Non-Countable Nouns and to practice with the quantifiers (SOME – ANY – MUCH – MANY – A LOT OF – TOO – ENOUGH):
- much or many – Exercise 1
- much or many – Exercise 2
- some or any – Exercise 1
- some or any – Exercise 2
- some or any – Exercise 3
- too or enough 1
- too or enough 2
Another grammar point of this unit is about COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES are special forms of adjectives. They are used to compare two or more things. Generally, comparatives are formed using -er and superlatives are formed using -est. If you need more information about the formation of comparatives and superlatives (in Spanish) click here before doing the following exercises:
- Comparatives
- Regular Comparatives and Superlatives
- Regular Comparatives and Superlatives 2
- Regular Comparatives and Superlatives 3
- Regular Comparatives and Superlatives 4
- Quiz: Comparatives and Superlatives
- Comparatives & Superlatives Game
- Do the following Wordsearch and send the words with the Catalan translation to cristina.itaca@gmail.com. You can also practice with the Textbuilder and The Space Game.
- Do all the exercises from the PRACTICE-UNIT 3 from the “English Alive! MultiROM 3. Then fill in the multirom chart with your scores and send it as an attached file to cristina.itaca@gmail.com. Write “unit 3” in the subject of your message.