topmarks1We are going to work in English classes using computers and internet resources. You have the contents of the different units of your book Top Marks 1 in the tabs above, with exercises, grammar references, vocabulary activities, etc.

The first thing you have to do is go through the AULA D’ANGLÈS – IES ÍTACA and have a look at its different contents. Follow the instructions of your teacher to discover the different sites during the presentation of the activities and materials you will need for the English class in the computer room.

It is important to send an e-mail to your teacher (mario.itaca@gmail.com) so he will be able to communicate with you, send you your homework, extra activities or other important things.

You can leave your comments, suggestions or questions about the course in this site.


  • Top Marks 1 – Student’s Book (SB)
  • Top Marks 1 – Workbook (WB)
  • Top Marks – Student’s Activities Multirom 1


The first thing you have to do is introduce yourselves in English, so the other people can know about you. You have to leave a comment to this article (Envia un comentari at the bottom of the page) with a short personal introduction in English (50-70 words). Your teacher will evaluate your introduction, so try to write correctly and without mistakes.

I have left my own personal introduction as an example!

66 thoughts on “1 BAT

  1. Marc Herrera


    My name’s Marc Herrera. I’m 16 years old. I’m living in Sant Boi but when I was two years I lived in Sant Andreu de la Barca.

    Nowadays, I’m studying 1st of batxillerat in IES ITACA.

    My hobbies are going to the cinema, swimming, basketball, play tennis and hanging out with my friends.


  2. Débora Gómez

    My name’s Débora Gómez and I was born 19th of may in Barcelona, but my parents are from Andalucía, I’m 16 years old.
    I study 1st of batxillerat in IES Itaca, and I like to study medicine or nursing.
    My hobbies are read books and comics, meet friends and surfing the internet.

    See you soon! 🙂

  3. Estefania Almeida


    My name is Estefania. I’m 17 years old. I was born in Barcelona, but I live in Sant Boi de Llobregat. All my family go to the Salamanca in the summer. I’m studying 1 Batxillerat Cientific in IES Itaca in Sant Boi. My hobbies are play basket, lisening to music and go out with my friends.

    Bye Bye!!

  4. Cristian Gómez

    Hi Mario!

    My name is Cristian Gómez and I’m sixteen years old. I was born in Barcelona .
    This year I study first de bachillerat and my favourite subject is Gymnastic.
    I have practise rugby since eleven years old and I’m very satisfied of playing to this wonderful sport .
    In the future, I like being sports periodist or player rugby professional, I believe that it is a bit difficult. My hobbies is listen the music, go out with my friends and play all kinds of sport.


  5. Jesús Castillo Patiño


    My name is Jesús I’m sixteen years old, I was born in Barcelona.
    This year I study first bachillerato, my favourite subject is English.
    I have practise athletics since I was 5 years old.
    This year I study hard, because I will go university and I will study INEF.


  6. Xavier Grima


    My name is Xavier Grima, I was born in 1993 in Sant Boi de Llobregat. My father’s family came a hundred years ago from Turre (Almería). My mother’s family has always been in Bellpuig (Catalunya). I stay at home in Sant Boi, my house is near IES Ítaca. My favourite hobbies are Aikido and Judo. I’m always listening to rock music on my Ipod (when I walk on the street, when I’m going to sleep, etc.).
    I’m studying at this moment the scientific batxillerat.



  7. Rubén Fernández


    My name’s Rubén Fernández. I’m sixteen years old. I’m living in Sant Boi de Llobregat.

    I come from Sant Josep to curse a Social Batxillerat in the IES Ítaca and my favourite subject is History.

    My hobbies are watching movies, I like playing guitar and listen to music. My favourites sports are paddle and tennis.


  8. gloria maria aibar querol

    My name is Gloria. I was born in Esplugues de Llobregat, but now I live in Sant Boi de Llobregat. I’m 18 years old. I’m study 1st batxillerato humanistic in Ies Itaca. My hobbies are go out with my friends, listening to music(punk, rock, ska) and reading.

    Good bye Mario!

  9. Lorena Gallego

    Hello :), my name’s Lorena and I’m 16 years old. I was born in Barcelona but actually, I live in Sant Boi de Llobregat. I am studying first course of Batxillerat. My favourite teachers are Javivi, Maricy y Tinicin.
    My parents comes from Barcelona, but some of my family lived in Valencia and Albacete.
    My hobbies are go out my friends, listening music, gossip… I like go to the village, because I have a lot of friends. My favorite boy is DAVID VILLA (L).
    My dream is traveling NEW YORK!
    I have a pet, it’s HOMITO, I (L) HOMITO 🙂

    Good bye! Kisses 🙂 Mario!!!

  10. Cristina Lecha Samos

    Hello Mario!
    I’m Cristina Lecha. I’m 16 years old. In the future I would like to be nurse or psychologist.
    I was born in Barcelona and 3 years ago I moved to Sant Boi.
    My parents are divorced and I live with my mother, brother and my dog.
    My hobbies are listening music, reading books and dancing. I like go out with my friends and my boyfriend too.
    I would like to travel to New York because I think that this city is very special, but I would like to travel around the world.
    In my free time I do my homework and surfing in the web.

    Bye, kisses!

  11. Pau Guma

    Hi Mario!

    My name is Pau Guma. I was born in Sant Boi. I’m a student of the humanistic itinerary.
    I like the different branches of the science and I’m studing this in my itinerary.
    I love Call of Duty 4 and other games. My hobbies are playing the guitar and listening to good music(does’nt reggaeton, or flamenco). The good music is rock of 80’s and actuallity rock. I love a little selection of pop songs, and english hip-hop in the little moments.

    to another!!


  12. SARAAY.

    Hy Maricyyy!:)
    mi name’s Saray and I’m 16 years old. I was born in Barcelona. At the moment is life in Sant Boi de Llobregat. I am studying first course of Batxillerat in IES Itaca. My Parents comes from Barcelona.
    My hobbies are listen music, dance, go out my friends, surfing the internet whit my friend of Albacete PORRE(L), watching TV, go to the cinema…I LOVE SLEEPING.
    My dream is traveling NEW YORK with my friend Loreline! I like Italia and the monuments(boys).
    My favorite food is pizza and my favorite actors are BRAD PITT and ANTONIO VELÁZQUEZ (PAQUIRRI)




  13. Madalina Cucos

    Hy !!!
    I’m Madi Cucos,i’m from Romania !
    But actually I’m living in Sant BOi de Llobregat..I’m studying 1st batxillerat in IES Itaca.
    I love reading,listening music…I like happy people..smiles…childrens…
    rainbows…Happy-end !
    I’m crazy about LADYBIRDS ..Sudoku..Colourful Things !

    and my dream is to fly !hihi

    See ya !

  14. Emma Segura

    Hi Mario!
    After 3 years have you as a teacher and one tutor, don’t know what type of display type, so I’ll do a “reminder”;
    My name’s Emma Segura. I was born the fourteenth of August in Barcelona, but I’ve always lived in Sant Boi. I’m doing batx. Technologic in IES Ítaca. I quite like playing sports and now I’m going to the gym and playing volleyball, also out with friends, although many don’t live in Sant Boi.

  15. Roberto

    Hello !!!!!!
    I’m Roberto and i’m 16 years old. I’m from Spain and live in Barcelona.
    I’m estudy bachillerat in I.E.S Itaca.
    My hobbies are basketball,judo, play to music, play computer games,chat and read a book dragonlance.
    My favorite number is 10 and m favorite foot are pizza and chess.

    Long live Judo!!!!!!!!

  16. edgar


    My name is Edgar, I was born the 25th of january of 1993, in a hospital called “el pilar”.
    I like swimming, i’m in a team of competition in sant boi, i’m not the best but i’m quite good,
    my favourite style is the Butterfly stroke. In my free time I go out with my friends, we use to go to the cinema o to grandvia.
    I will be an engineer aeronauthic, I say I will be because it doesn’t matter how but i WILL!!!!

    Bye Mario.

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