We are going to work in English classes using computers and internet resources. You have the contents of the different units of your book English Alive! 3 in the tabs above, with exercises, grammar references, vocabulary activities, etc.
The first thing you have to do is go through the AULA D’ANGLÈS – IES ÍTACA and have a look at its different contents. Follow the instructions of your teacher to discover the different sites during the presentation of the activities and materials you will need for the English class in the computer room.
It is important to send an e-mail to your teacher (cristina.itaca@gmail.com or eva.itaca@gmail.com) so she will be able to communicate with you, send you your homework, extra activities or other important things.
You can leave your comments, suggestions or questions about the course in this site.
The first thing you have to do is introduce yourselves in English, so the other people can know about you. You have to leave a comment to this article (Envia un comentari at the bottom of the page) with a short personal introduction in English (50-70 words). Your teacher will evaluate your introduction, so try to write correctly and without mistakes.
I have left my own personal introduction as an example!
My name is Cristina Ceide and I’m 37 years old. I was born, live and work in Sant Boi. I’m very “santboiana”, as you can see, although my family comes from Galicia and Navarra. I also work in Sant Boi as an English teacher at IES Ítaca.
I tend to chaos and I like the same things everybody confesses: reading, music, cinema… and some other things, like cooking or making puzzles (maybe to try to organize my chaotic person).
My name is Laura Caño and I’m 15 years old. I live in Sant Boi and study in Sant Boi. My family comes from Sant Boi and Jaen. I also study in Sant Boi as an 3º in Itaca. I tend to chaos and I like the same things everybody confesses: music, cinema and go out with my boyfriend and my friends.
My name is Sandra and I’m 14 years old. I was born, live in Sant Boi. I’m very “santboiana”, as you can see, although my family comes from Jaén and Sant Boi. I also student in IES Ítaca in Sant Boi.
I like the same things everybody confesses: listening music, cinema… and some other things, like cooking or, I like watching TV.
I’m like go out with my friends.
I don’t like homework.
my favourite food is paella with mi mother.
My name is Tania Calatayud Muñoz, and I’m 14 years old. I was born in Esplugues, but I live in Sant Boi de Llobregat. I studying 3 ESO, in the IES ITACA.
In Holidays I go to Peraleda de San Roman(extremadura) with my family. My parent comes from Barcelona and my mother comes from Madrid.
I love go out with my friends, I like listen to music and to connect messenger.
My favourite food is paella but of my mother.
My name is Miguel Angel and I’m 13 years old. I was born in Guayaquil (Ecuador), live and study in Sant Boi.
I like go out with my friends and singing music, my favourite music is reggaeton my favourite is “Daddy Yankee” and “Jowell y Randy”.
My favourite food is pizza. I like playing videogames and sometimes playing basketball.
1. My name is Dani Comas and I’m 14 years old. I was born in Barcelona but I live and study in Sant Boi. My family comes from Cataluña and Teruel. I study 3 ESO at IES Itaca.
My favourite sport is tennis and my hobbies are the videogames, go out to the street with my friends, listen to the music and computers. My favourite food is pizza and hamburgers.
My colour favourite is blue and red.
I love ice-creams and cakes, but I hate fish
My name is Carmen Alfonso and I’m 15 years old.
MY berthed is 22/8/94
My mum comes from Ciudad Real and my Dad comes to Barcelona but I was born in Sant boi de llobregat.
I study in 3 ESO in I.E.S Itaca, but I repeated 2 of ESO.
My favourite food is pizza.
I like go to the cinema with my friend. I am 1 brother.
I like swimming pool.
Hellow mi name is Adrian. I am 15 years old, I live in sant boi. I like the football, my favorite color is the blue i the pink. I don’t work. My Parents are Andalusian. I study in the itaca 3ºESO. My favourite club the football is Barcelona. My favourite food is paella and pizza. Bye bye
Hellow my name is Alex have 15 years my favorite color it is the blue I like munxo the football I play in the santboia i live in sant boi.
My granmather is Jaen i granfather is Malaga.My college is the itaca.I and born in barcelona.My favorite movies are those of action and comedy.I do not like the school.My favorite club de football is Barcelona.
My name is Andrea and I’m fourteen years old. I was born Mutua de Terrassa and I live in Sant Boi. My hobby read a book and listen to music. I want to be writer or teacher music. My favourite class is math. My best friend is Andrea and 15 years old.
My sister name is Carolina and twelve years old. And she’s hobby is draw and listen to music. She’s want to veterinary science, computer science or art.
Hello!! mi name is Erik Alonso. I´m 14 years old, i living in Barcelona, Sant Boi and study 3 eso in Ies Itaca, i don´t repeat. I don´t work. I like football, and i play in a club, his name is Casablanca. I also like music and cinema. My family is from to Andalusía, Almería and Huelva. My favourite club the football is Espanyol. I don´t brothers and sisters. My birthday is 22 of august. My favourite color is red.
My name is Laura and I’m 15 years old. I was born, live and work in Sant Boi. I’m very “santboiana”, as you can see, although my family comes from Valladolid mataró.
My birthday is 13 of april. My favourite color is pink.
I like the same things everybody confesses: listening music, cinema… and some other things, like cooking or, I like watching TV.
I’m like go out with my friends.
I’m 13 years old. I was born in Esplugues, live and study in Sant Boi.
I like go out with my friends,
My favourite food is pizza. I like playing videogames and play football I play in U.E. Sant Joan Despí.
Hello!! mi name is Xavi Martinez. I´m 15 years old, i living in Barcelona, Sant Boi and study 3 eso in Ies Itaca, i have repeat. I like Basquetball, and i play in a club, the name of this club is:
My favorite club is BARÇA.
This year im studyng for no Repit
hola me yaamo tamara pedrosa , y tengo 15 años y vivo en sant boi “coope”
My name is Rocio.I’m 15 years old, I live in Barcelona , Sant Boi study 3 Eso in Ies Itaca. I like go in out my friends.My fauvorite colour is blue and pink. My family is from to Extremadura and Cataluña.My sister name is Alba and 13 years old.My birthay is 4 of October.
My name is Oriol. I’m 14 years old, I was born and live and study Sant Boi, My father is from Andalucia and my mother is from Barcelona.
My hobbies are play basketball and play videogames. My favourite food is pizza. My colour Favourite is red and blue. My favourite club the football is Barcelona.
My name is Adrián Pizarro and I’m 14 years old. I was born, live and study in Sant Boi. I study on the Ies Itaca. My father is from Extremadura and my mother is from Cuenca. My hobbies are play football and basketball and play video-games. My favourite class is Phisical Education. My favourite club the footbal is Real Madrid and my favourite club the basketball is Boston Celtics. My favourite food is pizza and ice-cream and my favourite color is blue. I like go out with my friends. My favourite movies are of comedy.
Hello! My name is joel I`m 15 years old, in livin in santboiand study 3 eso in IES Itaca.
moli elvinyents play vell, and my favorite team is FC Barcelona
My favorite cartoons is Bob esponja
Hello!!!!! My name is Judith and I’m fourteen years old. I was born in Sant Boi and I live in Sant Boi. I haven’t got brothers or sisters. My birthday is the 23rd on March.
My hobbies are play computers games and listen to music. I hate read books, go to school and do my homework. My favorite TV programmes are “Gran Hermano”, “Callejeros”, “El hormiguero”, “Sé lo que hicisteis” and “Sálvame”. Now, I’m a student and I study in IES Ítaca. My favorite food is pizza. My favorite colors are red and blue.
My name is Gina Sorrento.
I am 14 years old, my birthday is 29 is December.
I study in 3 ESO A in I.E.S Itaca, I don’t like Maths. I like out with my friends especially with Aida.
My favourite food is hamburgers and pizza.
My name’s Cuco Moreno Fernández.
I’m 14 years old. I live in Sant Boi
I play basketball
I like music and sport.
My favourite food is spagetti.
My favorite team is REAL MADRID.
My birthday is 08-02-95
Hello!! My name is Aïda. I’m 14 years old,I was born in Barcelona but I live and study in Sant Boi. I study 3 eso in Ies Itaca. My family is from to Cataluña, Andalucia and Teruel. I like go out with my friends. My best friend is Gina, she’s born Paraguay but I live in Sant Boi.
My favourite color is Orange and my favourite food is pasta.
My birthday is 15 of jenuary.
My name is Cristian Cantillo and i’m 15 years old.I like de destruction of human also rugby and girls.I don’t study time goes bye in the school.My favourite food is babies and red bull.My favourite program is “Vaya semanita” this progarm is about criticism and has got very bad reviews.