On Friday 30th of October, all Bachillerato students from IES Ítaca are going to El Retiro Cinema in Sitges to watch the movie IN SEARCH OF A MIDNIGHT KISS, one of the films Estudiants i Cinema offers this year. We are watching the film in English, with subtitles in Spanish.
We are leaving at 8 o’clock from Sant Boi’s train station, and we will be back at around 2 o’clock. If you need more information about this activity you can download it autoritzacio.
Before watching the film we are going to do some activities you can find in In Search of a Midnight Kiss – activities.
Once in Sitges you will also have to do some activities to practise your English.
In Search of a Midnight Kiss shows us Los Angeles on New Year’s Eve. Wilson, a twenty-nine-year old guy who has just had the worst year of his life, is new to Los Angeles, has no date, no concrete plans and every intention of locking the doors and forgetting the last year ever happened. That is until his best friend, Jacob, browbeats him into posting a personal ad on Craig’s List. When Vivian, a strong-willed woman hell bent on being with the right guy at the stroke of midnight responds, a chaotic, sometimes hilarious, sometimes touching journey through the black and white streets of L.A. begins. In the waning hours of the year, emotional vulnerability and bitterly honest humor seem to be waiting around every corner.