• Adjectives: antonyms
  • Past participles


  • Present perfect
  • Past simple and present perfect
  • yet – already – just
  • for – since – ago


  • Runaway
  • Changes
  • Teen talk


  • Responding to ideas
  • Word stress
  • Making conversation


  • A life story
  • Using different tenses


  • Multicultural Britain
  • Charts
  • Greetings and news

In this unit we are working again with adjectives, but this time we are going to study antonyms or opposite adjectives. Remember that an adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. An adjective can indicate what kind of, how many, whose, or which. In general, adjectives usually appear before the noun they modify or after a linking verb. For example: “That is a red ball” (adjective before the noun) or “That ball is red” (adjective after the linking verb).

On the topic of adjectives and prefixes, many languages have prefixes that turn adjectives into their opposites. The most common one in English is the prefix un- (unhappy, unlucky, unusual etc.), in- (incorrect), dis- (dishonest), il- (illegible), ir- (irregular), and im- (impolite), and so the opposite form cannot be predicted with any certainty.

Here you have a antonym adjectives list you can look up while you are doing the following exercises:

Now we are going to practice with the PAST SIMPLE and the PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE. Remember you have to know the list of irregular verbs you have in your workbook (page 144). In the following links you will find exercises to practice them:

A life story is one of the topics of this unit. Click the pictures of this three famous people and you will find their biographies. Fill in the blanks to complete them.




Now you have to study carefully the following mind maps and do the exercises you have after them (open the exercises in a different window so you can look at the diagrams while you are doing the exercises).


yet-320x200 since-for-320x200

If you want to download a mind map with all the information about present perfect and adverbs click on PRESENT PERFECT AND ADVERBS.


If you have finished all your exercises you are ready to do the listening. This week we are going to do a dictation. Listen to the list of 40 adjectives and write them down in a word document. Then send them to cristina.itaca@gmail.com with “dictation” in the subject of your message.


  • To practise the VOCABULARY of this unit, go to English Alive! 4 and practice with the wordsearch and the space game you have there. Then go to the Internet Project, answer the 10 questions you’ll find there and send them to cristina.itaca@gmail.com with “runaway children” in the subject of your message.
  • Listen to the list of 40 adjectives and write them down in a word document. Then send them to cristina.itaca@gmail.com with “dictation” in the subject of your message.
  • Do all the exercises from the PRACTICE-UNIT 2 from the “English Alive! MultiROM 4”. Then fill in the multirom chart with your scores and send it as an attached file to cristina.itaca@gmail.com. Write “unit 2” in the subject of your message.

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