Alguns dels continguts que treballarem en l’àrea d’anglès ho farem des d’aquest blog. Hi ha una pestanya 3 ESO D, però també d’altres espais que trobareu d’utilitat per les vostres classes: links (enllaços), activitats, diccionaris, jocs, criteris d’avaluació…
Allà trobareu tot el que necessiteu per treballar l’anglès organitzat en les pestanyes superiors organitzat per unitats.
La primera cosa que heu de fer és investigar una mica pel blog AULA D’ANGLÈS – IES ÍTACA i mirar tots els continguts que hi ha. Seguiu les instruccions de la vostra professora a classe per fer-ho.
És important que li envieu un e-mail a per que pugui posar-se en contacte amb vosaltres.
Al blog podeu deixar comentaris suggeriments o preguntes sobre el curs. Així que la primera cosa que heu de fer és deixar un comentari a aquesta pàgina presentant-vos a vosaltres mateixos en anglès, per que tothom pugui saber qui sou. Ho podeu fer des de Envia un comentari d’aquesta mateixa pàgina, amb una breu presentació (30-50 paraules). Recordeu que la vostra professora us avaluarà i que tothom podrà veure el que heu escrit, així que tracteu de fer-ho correctament i sense faltes, fent servir correctors ortogràfics i diccionaris si els necessiteu. Us he deixat la meva presentació com exemple!
Hello my name is Elias and my parents are from Morocco, but I was born here in Sant Boi. I speak three languages: Arabic, Catalan and Castilian, and I am 14 years old. My favourite sports are football and basketball.
My school is IES ÍTACA my favourite subject are English, Spanish and P.E. My birthday is 22nd of August.
My name is Carlos Martinez Garcia.
I live in Sant Boi De Llobregat. I was born in Hospitalet de Llobregat in the Hospital Clinico at 23:45 on 2-8-1995. My Father lived in Barcelona least when it was has to live in Albacete and then back to Barcelona. My Mother is from Ucedo (Leon has a distance of 100km) near Astorga (was about 50 km away) then she went to live in Barcelona.
My hobbies? They are the theater, psychology, puppets and paint large figures, history, science, nature and finally the military (The history of warfare, medicine and science).
My name is Adrian Rodriguez-Rey. I was born in the hospital of Sant Boi on 22/09/93.
I am 16 years old. My hobbies are smoking, computer, bed and xbox 360, I do not like school, teachers, books. I like to travel to New York, Mexico. My favorite dish is rabbit with garlic,
I like the soft drink orange fanta, coke and redbull, and some good beer from time to time. In short, I like everything but the school.
hello my name is mohamed from morocco and I’m alive I SantBoi l’IES de Llobregat ÍTACA I like to play soccer video games I like biking and my birthday is on May 15 and I like to study.
Hi my name is Yedra. I’m 15 years old…
I’m from the Dominican Republic!
I was born here in Spain
But when I was small I went to my country with my grandparents …
I went there until I was 9 years old
Because my parents went there
And here I am a student
I speak Catalan, if we can GET
The Graduate. To make a career.
On holidays I don’t go anywhere
Because I do not want to go to my country…
Hello my name Weiger, am 15 years old, I’m from china, live 5years in Sant Boi de Llobregat with my father, my mother and my sister, now I study in an institute called IES ITACA.
I like to play soccer and watch soccer barça, and I also like playing the play, and I also like eating food from Spain
Hello my name is Jose Gonzalez. 11/10/95 I was born in Sant Boi de Llobregat. I like football handball.
I am 13 years old. I would go to Argentina, Italy i Greece. My favorite foods include boiled potatoes, rice …
I like playing pley, the war and cars.
I went to the road to Santiago.
Me llamo cristian Sánchez tengo 16 anys soi de sant Boi de Llobregat. Boi al col·legio ies itaca el col·legio perese una cárcel de pues del cole me voy con los amigas hadar un vuelta cuando no estoy con ellos ajo cosa que Me justa como las maqueta i los juegos de la plei hi tanvien me gustaria hir al gitnacio para podeme Fuente i grande a prender boxeo o tro de porte que me gusta i Luengo ver peliculas.
Hello My name is Melissa Valero. I am 14 years old, I Live in Sant Boi de Llobregat..
My hobies are listening to music, dancing and going out to the street with my friends. I don’t like the high school.
Hello my name is Miguel Angel Guerrero and I live in Sant Boi de Llobregat all my family except my father is Andalusian is Catalan, I really like football and I don’t like school. I’m 14 years old I have slipped my birthday is my favorite dish 8/5/95 is the traditional Valencian paella I drink coca cola in the world of football the team of my heart is the farewell ale i força barça
Hello My name is Bea Ramirez. I am 14 years old,I live in Sant Boi of the though I live here I was born in Delouse 16/09/1995. My father is from Barcelona and my mother is from Seville.
I haven’t got many hobbies but what I like the most is going out to the street with my friends because the truth I spend it to myself very well and later I like to go out to the country of football with my friends.
I do not like the high school very much but there are times that if that I spend it to myself well in the class.
Hello my name is Elena and I am 15 years old, live in Sant Boi de Llobregat.
My father is from Granada and my mother from the Canary Islands, and I was born there. My favourite food are potato chips and egg and if I prefer it in a tortilla sandwich “that’s my mother.”
In my spare time I like watching TV especially “Big Brother” and occasionally listen to music and if not then I go out with my friends in particular to the football field or the Plaza Catalunya to spend the time. My hobbies is what I do in my spare time.
Hello my name is GISSELA BALSECA
I am 16 years old. I live in SANT BOI
I study 4ºB ESO from the IES ITACA
My favorite colour is brown, my favorite sport is basketboll
I have .
I am from Ecuador