We are going to work in English classes using computers and internet resources. You have the contents of the different units of your book Top Marks 2 in the tabs above, with exercises, grammar references, vocabulary activities, etc.
The first thing you have to do is go through the AULA D’ANGLÈS – IES ÍTACA and have a look at its different contents. Follow the instructions of your teacher to discover the different sites during the presentation of the activities and materials you will need for the English class in the computer room.
It is important to send an e-mail to your teacher (cristina.itaca@gmail.com) so he will be able to communicate with you, send you your homework, extra activities or other important things.
You can leave your comments, suggestions or questions about the course in this site.
The first thing you have to do is introduce yourselves in English, so the other people can know about you. You have to leave a comment to this article (Envia un comentari at the bottom of the page) with a short personal introduction in English (50-70 words). Your teacher will evaluate your introduction, so try to write correctly and without mistakes.
I have left my own personal introduction as an example!
My name is Cristina Ceide and I’m 37 years old. I was born, live and work in Sant Boi. I’m very “santboiana”, as you can see, although my family comes from Galicia and Navarra. I also work in Sant Boi as an English teacher at IES Ítaca.
I tend to chaos and I like the same things everybody confesses: reading, music, cinema… and some other things, like cooking or making puzzles (maybe to try to organize my chaotic person).
My name is Sergi Ibarz and I’m 18 years old. I was born in Barcelona but by now, I’m living in Sant Boi. My parents were born in Barcelona but long time ago they are living in Sant Boi.
Somebody things that I have an estrange personality but I’m disagree with they, I like play with computer games, listen music all the day, go out with my friends and other things that a lot of people like to do.
I’m Enric García a sixtyn years old guy . I was born in Barcelona, but I live in Sant Boi del Llobregat. My family comes from Granada (Andalucía) and I have some cultural carasteristics from this region. I am studying second of “bachillerato” in IES Ítaca.
I’m a happy guy, but i’ve got some changes in my humor. I love to stay with my friends, but always in the street, I like a lot stay in the street: taking something, making jokes…
My name is Carlos García Ochoa and I’m 17 years old. I was born in Sant Boi, live in the centre neighboorhood and I also study in Sant Boi.
My family comes from Navarra and Zaragoza.
Now, I’m studing on itaca school the best publi school in Sant Boi.
I have a lot oh hobbies than: Rugby, go out with my friends, listen music…
Well, see you on the next comment.
I’m Elías Pérez del Canto. I have seventeen years old and I am a guy. I was born in Ponferrada (Leon). I study in IES Ítaca in Sant Boi del Llobregat. I like practise sports, go with friend, saw films and heard music. In the high school I practise batxillerat technologic. This is a small introducing in my life. Bye-bye.
Hi! my name is José Manuel Romero Chacón and I am 17 years old. I was born in Barcelona near the Camp Nou. All my family comes from Andalucía, but I love Catalonia.
I am studying in a secondary school named I.E.S. Ítaca.
I have a lot of hobbies, for example: play basketball in Basket Club Sant Boi, watch the sports programmes in TV, play computer games, sleep a lot, go out with friends to the cinema, to the bars for drink something, eat popcorns, etc.
• My name is Danny Díaz Morales I’m 17 years old. I was born, in Barcelona, but I live in Sant Boi. I study in IES Ítaca in Sant Boi. In the school I go to batxillerat technologic. I have a lot of hobbies, for example, I like play handball, go shopping, play with the computers games, go out with my friends to the cinema, to play football …
• Byeeee !!
My name is Gabriel López Masip and I’m 17 years old. I was born,live and study in Sant boi. Part of my family was born in Barcelona and the other part of family comes from Murcia and Valencia. I study Batxillerat at IES Ítaca.
I like listen music, watch films and surfer for internet.
My name is Andrea Martín Martín and I’m 16 years old. I was born in Barcelona, but I live in Sant Boi, near of my scholl: IES Itaca.
My grandparents comes from Jaén, Sevilla and Segovia. My parents comes from Cornellà.
I like listen music, go out with my friends, see films… I’m doing the tecnologic batxillerat.
This is a little introducing about my life. Good bye.
My name is Christian Chamón Muñoz and I’m 17 years old. I was born in Esplugues but I live in the best village of the world, Sant Boi. I study in this village, in the IES Ítaca. I love Barcelona, but I’m not all the year round in Catalonia. In Holidays I go to Peraleda (Extremadura) with my family. My favourites hobbies are listen music and the photography and I love make videos.
Hi! My name is Carlos and I am 17 years old. I was born, live and study in Sant Boi. Yes, I am very “santboiano” too. However, my family comes from Andalucía and Aragón. I study second of technologic “bachillerato” in Ítaca. I am very absentminded so, I sometimes forget important things.
I like the calm and the peace, but I think that be in calm during this year will be very hard!
Hi! My name is David Blázquez and I’m 17 years old. I was born in a ‘Hospital de Vall d’Hebron’, near Barcelona. I live and study in Sant Boi. My father and her parents come from Extremadura, my mother was born there, but her parents come from Galicia and Múrcia.
I like all sports, in especial basketball, go out with friends, play videogames in my free time, listen music and go out with my girlfriend. She is a very important person for my, she help me in the badly moment and always listen to me. Good Bye.
Helo my name is Soraya i’m 18 years old and I’m studing 2 batx. I was born in Barcelona but I live in Sant Boi. I love Barcelona i think its a nice city, you can find anything and i like it ! At holidays i used to travel to France, it’s a nice play. I like sports, reading, listen to music, play games, go for a walk and… meet people ! See ya!
Hello! My name is Ariadna and I’m 16 years old. I was born in Barcelona, but I live and study in Sant Boi de Llobregat. I like lived in Altron (Pallars Sobirà) I love it.
I study in IES Itaca 2nd of bachillerato, I used to study in school Sant Josep.
My favourites hobbies are listen to music and go out my friends.
Good Byee!
My name is Gabriel Morillas Alarcón and I’m 17 years old. I was born in “Hospital San Juan de dios”, live and study in Sant Boi of Llobregat. My parents are separated.
I like all sports , in special martial arts: Kick boxing, Full contact, Boxing, K-1 and personal defence. I like play videogames and to go out with my friends in Sant Boi.
In my free time usually practice tennis in Áccura center with my brother and boyfriend of my mom.
I like it maths and numbers,because the numbers are interesting.
Good Bye.
Hi! My name is Alba Moya Moreno and I’m 17 years old. I was born in Barcelona, but I live in Sant Boi. My parents come from Andalucía. I have one sister. I study second of social “bachillerato” in IES Ítaca.
I have a lot of hobbies, for example, go out which my friends, listen the music, watch TV, go shopping and chatting in the internet.
My name is Cristina Serna and I’m 18 years old. My parents come from Perú but I was born in Barcelona, although now I live in Sant Boi and I study in the same village in the IES Ítaca where I’m studing second of batxillerato.
I have two little brothers, Victor is 15 years old and is very athletic and Adrian is 8 years old and he is so cute because always is making jokes.
My favourite hoobies are listen music, go shopping and go out with my friends.
Hello! My name is Elena Escobedo Ocaña and I’m seventeen years old. I was born in a “Hospital Delfos” in Barcelona but I live in Sant Boi. I study bachillerato in the village where I live in the school IES Itaca. My mother and my grandmother were born in Barcelona, but my grandfather born in Granada. I have more hobbies, for example, I love reading a good book in the nights of summer and go out with my friends. In my free time I like surfing in the internet, see a film or listen to music.
Hello my name’s Stefany Iturria, I was born in Chile, but I’ve lived my entire life in Maryland, in the U.S. I really loved it there. I moved to Barcelona about 3 years ago, and I’m currently going to school in IES Itaca, now in 2nd of Batx.
I love languages, especially Japanese and Korean, I can speak Japanese well, as well as English, and I’m not very good at Spanish and Catalan but I try my best.
I’m also very interested in graphic design and photography, and that’s what I plan to major in when I go to college. I really hate close-minded people, the ones that look at you weird just because you dress differently, or because you don’t look like the rest.
My name is Juan Alberto Belmonte and I’m 17 years old. I was born in Sant Boi , the same place where I leave. My parents are immigrant, they are from different areas for Spain. I’m studied Batchillerato at IES Ítaca .
I’m a happy person, I like parties, free time, and go to my friends and my wife .
Hello! My name is Yolanda Barles and I’m 17 years old. My mother come from Huesca, and my father from Barcelona. I was born in Sant Boi and now live in the same place, most of my family live in Huesca . I’m studying second of bachillerato.
In my free time I love going out with my friends, for example going to the cinema, shopping, and specilly I love going to the parties. The Tuesday and Thursday I go to an academi to learn English.
Hello! My name is Carlos Corrales Moya and I’m 17 years old. I was born a Barcelona, but I live in Sant Boi. My mother comes from Andalucía, and my father comes from Gavà. I study in the same village in the IES Ítaca where I’m studding second of bachillerato. In holidays I go to Antequera (Malaga) with my family. I like all sport, but in the special football. Good bye.
My name is Ivan Alexandrescoff Gutierrez and I’m 17 years old. I was born Sant Boi del Llobregat, I’m living in Sant Boi where plays football. My mother’s family is from Jaén (Andalusia), and my father’s family is from Barcelona. I’m studying 2 of batx. And I’m also a soccer trainer.
Hi! My name is Raúl Moreno and I am 17 years old. I was born in Sant Boi del LLobregat and i am studing in I.E.Es ítaca. My favourite sports are basketball and football so i play every weekend. I sometimes played computer games, but now, i don’t play any game computer.
This is my life!I will wait that you will like!
My name is Melody Paniagua Piazarro, i am 18 years old, i was born in the Clinical Hospital in Barcelona. I live in Sant Boi de Llobregat. At the moment I’m studying 2nd of Bachillerato in the high school IES Itaca. My parents were born in Extremadura and I have a sister her name is Estela. I like Disney cartoon, fashion, music, go out with my friends and childs. That’s a small introduccion abaut me. Good Bye!kiss!
Hi! My name is Marian Delgado Marcet and I’m 17 years old. I live and study in Sant Boi. My mum was born in Sant Boi. I have one sister. I study second of social “bachillerato” in Ies Ítaca.
I have a lot of hobbies, for example, I go out with my friends, and read books. I love to sleep and I’m very familiar.
When I go on holidays, I always go a few days to camping a Vic
My name is Montse Bernal, and I’m 17 years old.
I was born in Barcelona, but I don’t live in Barcelona city, I live in Sant Boi de Llobregat.
I’m studing second of bachillerato in the school IES Itaca.
I love going out with my friends or my boyfriend. Also I love cook, and, especially I love listen music.
I would like be journalist, is one of my big dreams.