3 ESO – CONTENTS UNIT 2 “Super Nature”


  • there was / there were
  • past simple
  • past continuous


  • natural phenomena
  • verbs: past simple forms


  • Super volcano
  • Storm chasers
  • Monster waves
  • Taking notes


  • Talking about past events
  • Past simple ending /id/


  • A survivor’s story
  • Time connectors


  • A traditional community
  • Finding places
  • Asking for information

Disasters come in many shapes and sizes. Most are related to the weather. Some are predictable — like a hurricane. Some, like an earthquake, surprise us. It’s good for you to know about the different kinds of disasters so you can be prepared! Although disasters themselves aren’t fun, learning about them is! Click on the following images if you want to know more about these natural disasters.

earthquakes flood hurricane thunderstorm tornado
tsunami volcano wildfires winter-storms

Now you are ready to do some quizzes and exercises on this topic:

The grammar point of this unit deals with the past tenses: simple past and past continuous. You have to do all the activities of these tenses at the Happy Verby Gang.

Remember it is important to learn the list of irregular verbs you have in your workbook, in page 114. If you want to check your knowledge of irregular verbs do the following exercises:

In the following video you can listen to some of the most important irregular verbs in English.


  • Do the wordsearch Wordsearch and the Go To School Game before the exam. Do also the Internet Project about volcanoes. Copy and paste this page into a word document. Then, look at this website about volcanoes and find the answers to the questions. Click on the links on the right to find more answers. When you finish send it to cristina.itaca@gmail.com with volcanoes in the subject of the message.
  • Do all the exercises from the PRACTICE-UNIT 2 from the “English Alive! MultiROM 3?. Then fill in the multirom chart with your scores and send it as an attached file to cristina.itaca@gmail.com. Write “unit 2? in the subject of your message.

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