bluemangoNext Friday, January 15th, all 1 batxillerat students are going to participate in a play about sex and relationships. The play is performed by the company Blue Mango and it is a Forum Theatre play.

Forum Theatre is a type of theatre developed in Brazil by Augusto Boal as part of his “Theatre of the Oppressed”. It is a style of theatre in which the spectators become actors, they are known as “spec-actors”. A short play is presented in which the protagonist is being oppressed on some way.

After watching the play once it will be repeated and the audience will be invited to stop the play when they see a moment they want to change. The members of the audience (the spec-actors) can then come on the stage and play the part of the protagonist and attempt to change their situation. There are no right answers; the spectators can try different methods to see if they can change the situation for the better.

If you have any comment about this performance, you can leave a message to this post. We hope you’ll have a good time!

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