• Reading for the main idea
  • Guessing the meaning from context


  • Collocations: run – break
  • Idioms


  • Relative clauses


  • A radio programme


  • Sentence stress
  • /s/ /z/ /iz/


  • Describing a picture


  • Connectors of addition and contrast
  • For and against essay

A good way to learn English, especially to practise the listening skills, is using the RADIO. Nowadays Internet allows you to listen to different online stations as for example the BBC radio, where you can listen to different stations and podcasts.

Now you are going to listen to three different radio programmes. You have to listen carefully to all of them and do the exercises they provide. You can stop them as many times as you want, go back or forwards, or repeat the parts you haven’t understood. If you want to listen while you are doing the exercise, open the mp3 listening file in a different window.

phonesThis unit is about MOBILE PHONES. If you want more information about this topic you can read the following websites Mobile Phone Addiction Threatens Teen Health and Texting While Driving? U R So Busted! (MSNBC). For more practice on telephone vocabulary do the quiz Telephones.

The vocabulary of this unit deals with IDIOMS and COLLOCATIONS. Make sure you understand how they work doing the following exercises:

In this unit we are going to study RELATIVE CLAUSES. You have everything you need to know in you SB pages 12, 115 and 116, with exercises to practice we are doing in class. It is very important to distinguish between defining clauses (give essential information and cannot be omitted) and non-defining clauses (give additional information that can be omitted, separated by commas). And also remember the use of relative adverbs or pronouns.


For more practice you can go to the following links. You have to do all the exercises, and repeat them if your results are not acceptable:

Finally, we are going to deal with WRITING. First of all, if you don’t remember how to write good texts, have a look at the writing guide in your SB pages 138 to 141 or to General Information on Writing English Texts. In unit 1 we must have a look at for and against essays and connectors of addition and contrast.

CONNECTORS or LINKING WORDS are very important to give cohesion and coherence to your compositions. Here you have a very complete list of connectors. It will be useful for you to write your essays in the future. This year we are going to study them in different categories and the first ones are the following:

Connectors of addition in addition, moreover, and, furthermore, moreover, besides, also, too, as well as
Connectors of contrast but, however, nevertheless, on the one hand, on the other hand, yet, still, although, even if, even though, in spite of, despite

Now some exercises to practise these linking words:

For and against essays present both sides of a topic, and conclude by supporting one of the sides. Remember the structure of this type of compositions when you write them.



  • Go to the students’ zone in TOP MARKS 2 and download Bachillerato 2 Activities from the Website activities. It’s important to keep it on your computer, as you’ll need it in the future. Once you have done it, open it and do all the exercises in Grammar: defining and non-defining relative clauses; Vocabulary: idioms; Listening: The Millenium Dome Robbery. Then fill in homework-chart-1with your scores and send it to cristina.itaca@gmail.com.
  • Write a For and against essay on the use of mobile phones at school. Use 100-150 words and follow all the instructions we have given in class. Send it to cristina.itaca@gmail.com with phones in the subject of your message.

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