Before starting working with the contents of our course, we are going to review the different verb tenses you have already done. We are not going to explain them again in class, so make sure you know how the form and uses of all the verb tenses you have in the table of contents above.
In Top Marks 2, Student’s Book (SB) and Workbook (WB), you have different exercises and reference sections to review and practice verb tenses. You have to do all the exercises in theses pages:
- SB 4-5, 111-114
- WB 4-7
- Grammar Appendix: SB 111-114
It is very important to know all irregular past forms. You have a list in your SB 134-135 and in your WB 66-67 in case you need to have a look at it. Or if you are working with your computer you can go to Irregular verbs list. You have this link in the menu on the left.
You have this link in the menu on the left. And some exercises to practise them here:
- Past Tense of Irregular Verbs–1
- Past Tense of Irregular Verbs–2
- Past Tense of Irregular Verbs–3
- Past Tense of Irregular Verbs–4
- Past Tense of Irregular Verbs–7
- Irregular verbs – Crossword 1
- Irregular verbs – Crossword 2
- Irregular verbs 1
- Irregular verbs 2
- Irregular verbs 3
- Irregular verbs 4
- Irregular verbs 5
- Irregular verbs 6
- Exercise Mix 1
- Exercise Mix 2
- Exercise Mix 3
- Exercise Mix 4
- Table – Fill-in Exercise
- Irregular verbs
- English Irregular Verbs
Let’s start working! You have to do all the exercises from the REVIEW UNIT in your book and workbook. If you need more practice you can go to the following links, choosing the verb tenses exercises and explanations:
- Do all the exercises in your SB (page 5) and WB (pages 4-7). We will correct them in class.
- Leave a comment in Aula d’Anglès – 2 BAT with a personal introduction, as explained in the activity at the bottom of the page.
- If you think you can do the exercises better, try to do them again. And if you need more practice have a look at Agenda Web with lots of free exercises to practice your English!
My name is Sergio Alfonso Villegas, I’m normal guy of Sant Boi, I study in IES Ítaca. I pass five years of my live in this place and I appreciate it but sometimes I thing that it’s bored. I love make sport, in especially football, but I thing that I’m not a good player but it’s doesn’t matter. My favourite type of music is Hip-Hop, the Spanish hip-hop. Finally, I’m only a happy boy of a good city.
My name is Bárbara Olmedo Cervelló and I am 17 years old. I live in Sant Boi de Llobregat, in a small flat with my mother and my grand mother. It’s very humble but is my home. My parents are separated since 13 years ago.
I have one brother and one sister, but they aren’t son and daughter of my mother.
I study 2nd of “Bachillerato”, the social modality, in the IES Ítaca but I hate the Mathematics and in this modality I have maths.