good-moveAlguns  dels continguts que treballarem en l’àrea d’anglès ho farem des del nostre blog de l’Aula Oberta, però d’altres ho farem d’aquí. Hi ha una pestanya AO, però també d’altres espais que trobareu d’utilitat per les vostres classes: links (enllaços), activitats, diccionaris, jocs, criteris d’avaluació…

Allà trobareu tot el que necessiteu per treballar l’anglès organitzat en les pestanyes superiors organitzat per unitats.

La primera cosa que heu de fer és investigar una mica pel blog AULA D’ANGLÈS – IES ÍTACA i mirar tots els continguts que hi ha. Seguiu les instruccions de la vostra professora a classe per fer-ho.

És important que li envieu un e-mail a per que pugui posar-se en contacte amb vosaltres.


  • Smart Move – Student’s Book (SB)
  • Smart Move – Workbook (WB)


Al blog podeu deixar comentaris suggeriments o preguntes sobre el curs. Així que la primera cosa que heu de fer és deixar un comentari a aquesta pàgina presentant-vos a vosaltres mateixos en anglès, per que tothom pugui saber qui sou. Ho podeu fer des de Envia un comentari d’aquesta mateixa pàgina, amb una breu presentació (30-50 paraules). Recordeu que la vostra professora us avaluarà i que tothom podrà veure el que heu escrit, així que tracteu de fer-ho correctament i sense faltes, fent servir correctors ortogràfics i diccionaris si els necessiteu. Us he deixat la meva presentació com exemple!

9 thoughts on “AO

  1. mceide Post author

    My name is Cristina Ceide and I’m 37 years old. I was born, live and work in Sant Boi. But my family comes from Galicia and Navarra. I also work in Sant Boi as an English teacher at IES Ítaca. I like the same things everybody confesses: reading, music, cinema… and some other things, like cooking or making puzzles.

  2. Aitor

    My name is Aitor Correa and I’m15 years old. I was born, live and studies in Sant Boi. But My Family comes from Huelva. I also studies in Sant Boi at IES Itaca. I like a: music, football, cinema… and some other things , like cooking.

  3. Rocio

    Hello my name is Rocìo Bizarro Rosa , I’m 15 years old . I was born in Espluges de Llobregat, I’m live and student in Sant Boi de Llobrgat, I’m student in the IES Ìtaca.
    My family come from Asturias and Extremadura, but my brothers and my born in Cataluña.

  4. Albert

    My name is Albert and and i’m 16 year old. I was born and live in Sant Boi de Llobregat. But my family comes from Cornella. I study
    in Sant Boi at Ies Itaca. I like playing football

  5. Marian..**

    I am called Marian Serra am 16 years old am of Dominican Republic Have 7 years that I live in Spain and estoi is tediando in the IES ítaca in sant boi of the llobregat I like it(him,her) am tediar there com my friends.
    I am brown, black eyes, long hair i I like black much is tediar when I am interested in the subject ect … and I am very sinpatica With the people who is sinpatica with I crumble I like to eat many chuches i to stay cm my amigar To give a buerta in the evenings.

  6. Jessycaaa

    Hello. My name is Jessica Vilà and I’m 16 years old. I was born in Barcelona bad I’m live in Sant Boi de Llobregat with my parents. I’m study in IES Ítacain the class the Aula Oberta. I like the same things everybody confesses: reading, watching television, music, cinema…and speak in the computer.

  7. Irene

    Hello, my names is Irene Fernández Solano. I live in Sant Boi de Llobregat,
    with my mother i my two sisters. IES Itaca study 4rt i estoi repeating
    gotta graduate this year.I like being with my boyfriend like i go out with my friends i my friends. I like going out, watch TV, read, draw, play sports …
    My favorite food is the fidegua crumbs i eat in sitges the ground.

  8. Marta

    My name is Marta Garcia and I’m 15 years old .I was born ,live and work in Sant Boi .But my family comes from Andalusia and Berga .I also student in Sant Boi at Ies Itaca I like things everybody confesses :music , cinema … and some other things , like making puzzles .

  9. Arnau vidal

    My name is Arnau Vidal Inista. I’m 15 years old. I wos born, live and study in Sant Boi. But may maim from Gandesa. I like play rugby, play computer and ride a horse. My team is santboiana the rugby and the football is F.C Barcelona

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