Arrenquem el cap de setmana amb una mica de música recuperant un vell i lleuger rap de la sèrie SCITunes de Coma Niddy què, més enllà dels típics tòpics, ens planteja allò necessari i allò accessori per poder considerar-se un científic. Feu-hi una ullada a les lletres a sota.
I, sincerament, crec que són característiques ben saludables per tothom o totadona, i no fa tant eren el nostre dia a dia… 😉
Just know if you’re human, then there’s science in you
To Be A Scientist
Written, Performed, & Produced by Mike Wilson aka Coma Niddy
To be a scientist you have to be curious
Question everything that exists in the universe
To be a scientist you have to have a skeptical brain
Strong evidence is needed for strong claims
To be a scientist you need to wonder
Investigate, test, uncover, and discover
To be a scientist you need an open mind
Open to suggestion and the test of time
You don’t need glasses to be a scientist
You don’t need a lab coat to be a scientist
You don’t need to be a male to be a scientist
You don’t need to be a certain race to be a scientist
The truth is, we’re all born a scientists
As children, all of us curious!
As children all of us wonder
Investigate, test, uncover and discover
It doesn’t take much if you want to be a scientist
Follow your heart if you want to be a scientist
Don’t stop if you want to be a scientist
Keep going if you want to be a scientist
Life is rewarding if you love what you do
Keep your eyes on the prize while you go through school
During your journey if you’re ever confused
Just know if you’re human, then there’s science in you
Yay science!