Report on a planet

Hi childen! How are you doing? Today, Class 4 has been writing a report on a planet. They had to answer a list of questions with the help of fact cards. Next week, they will write a full text with their answers. Have a look at the pictures!



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3 responses to “Report on a planet”

12 02 2011
mario urban (15:20:52) :

Hola.Cada vegada m’esta agradant mes estudiar“the solar system.La Carolina m’esta pisant els talons.Abans yo estudiava el sistema solar.Adeu.

13 02 2011
Natán (01:45:04) :

You 4th graders rock! That seems to be a lot of fun! You should perform a presentation so I could see your reports!

13 02 2011
cgonza45 (14:28:55) :

Hi Natán! Yes, the oral presentation is the next step. So, you’ll have the chance to see the great job they’re doing!

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