Tools for Teachers
This google tool allows you to create and share documents online.
This google tool allows you to share your pictures and create slide shows for your blogs or web pages.
It is the easiest way to store, sync, and, share files online.
It allows you to share your photos and videos.
Make or find flashcards, use study tools or play competitive games.
You can create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web.
Easily create colorful mindmaps to print or share with others.
You can listen to music and upload your own songs. You can embed them in your blog or web page for your pupils to listen to.
Make your interactive poster easily and share it. Mix images, text, music and videos.
The best free place to create and to listen to podcasts.
Voki is a free service that allows you to create personalised speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profile, and in email messages.
Free ESL Video Quiz Builder for Teachers.
A social networking site for schools. Share links, resources, questions, ideas, reflections, etc. with your students.
You can create and share your own activities: wordsearches, crosswords, matching pairs, fill in the gaps, test … You can get an embed code for your website or blog.
Chat with a bot about anything and everything – AI learns from people, in context, and imitates.
Wallwisher is an online notice board maker. Discussing a new idea? Taking notes? Giving feedback? Voicing opinion? Wishing a happy birthday? Now do all using this tool.
Tagxedo turns words – famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters – into a visually stunning word cloud.
Your opinion counts!