Little Red Riding Hood the Show

Hello! Have a look at the pictures taken while P4, P5, Class 1 and Class 2 pupils were watching the show “Little Red Riding Hood“. They had a great time!

Me and my cat

Hi children! Famous actors read children’s books aloud. Do you want to listen to Elijah Wood reading “Me and my cat”? YES! Then click on the image to start

Rupert Bear – Eco Explorers

Hello little ones! Rupert Bear will help you explore the environment.

Click on the image to start

Introduction to our school – by Class 6 students

Hello! Our school participates in a European project called “Changing with the Climate“. Developing activities related to sustainability and ecology and communicating with other schools are tasks that Class 6 students are doing. They have prepared this video to introduce themselves and the school to the other European schools. They have done a great job!


The way we celebrate Christmas – by Class 6

Hello children! Watch this fantastic video about Christmas by Class 6.


This week’s word is …

Hello children! Have you seen the new noticeboard in the school’s hall? Have you read this week’s word?

This week’s word is … Play the game to find out and write a comment with the word.

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Halloween Concert





Mr Potato Head Colouring book

Hello children! Click on the image to start colouring Mr Potato!

Celebrating International Peace Day

Hello kids! Class 5 and Class 6 have joined a project called “Pinwheels for Peace” in order to celebrate the Intenational Peace Day. First, we thought about words related to peace. Then, we wrote some of these words on our pinwheels and decorated them. Finally, we all had a great time making the pinwheels spin! Have a look at the pictures!