Little Red Riding Hood the Show

Hello! Have a look at the pictures taken while P4, P5, Class 1 and Class 2 pupils were watching the show “Little Red Riding Hood“. They had a great time!

Count down

Hello children! Revise numbers from 1 to 10 with this funny game.

Click on the image to start

Count with ARTT

Hi kids! Here you have another game to practice counting.

Click on the image to start

Learn the numbers from 1 to 10

Hello P5 pupils! Click on the image to play a game to learn the numbers in English.

Hello Cheeky – P5

Hello! Here you have two more videos where P5 pupils say hello to their classmates with Gheeky Monkey puppet.

Memory game – Colours

Hello Class 1! Revise the colours with this memory game.

Click on the image to start

Learn numbers

Hi kids! Here you have a game to learn and revise numbers.

Click on the image to start

Bloople’s Colours

Hello Children! Let the Blooples help you learn your colours!

Click on the image to start

More Hello Cheeky videos!



Storytelling at Educació Infantil

Hello! Today, the little ones in the school had a session of storytelling. P4 listened to the story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and P5 listenend to the story “The Snail and the Whale”. Have a look at the pictures!