Theatre in English

The Beauty and the Beast

Hello children! I hope you’ve enjoyed the theatre in English. Have a look at the pictures taken today when class 3 and class 4 went to see the play. Do you know who took place in the beauty contest? Write a comment with your opinion of the play.




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7 responses to “Theatre in English”

7 05 2010
Mercè (11:57:38) :

I liked the theatre play

7 05 2010
Marc Ribas (13:46:39) :

I like the photos. They are very good!!!

12 05 2010
naila (18:55:18) :

I like the photos

12 05 2010
adrian (21:18:01) :

són molt xules les fotografies

16 05 2010
mario urban (22:35:40) :

Hola.A mi m’ha agradat molt la obra de teatre.Va ser molt graciosa i molt maca.Adeu.

20 05 2010
saqib (18:27:12) :

this photos is very beast

24 05 2010
adnan (22:51:08) :

this theatre is very nhace

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