Top Ten comments

Adnan (Class 6) ———- —23
Roudaina (Class 5) ———- 19
Toni (Class 6) —————– 18
Mario (Class 5) ————– 16
Laura (Class 5) ————— 11
Abel (Class 6) —————– 10
Adrià (Class 6) ————— 10
Jana (Class 5) —————–10
Dil (Class 6) ——————- 8
Mercè (Class 6) ————– 8

Storytelling at Educació Infantil

Hello! Today, the little ones in the school had a session of storytelling. P4 listened to the story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and P5 listenend to the story “The Snail and the Whale”. Have a look at the pictures!

All about me!

Hi! Have a look at the videos that Class 5 students have made about them. It’s a great job!


Hello Cheeky!

Hello kids! Watch these two videos with the little kids saying “Hello” with Cheeky Monkey.

