Introduction to our school – by Class 6 students
Hello! Our school participates in a European project called “Changing with the Climate“. Developing activities related to sustainability and ecology and communicating with other schools are tasks that Class 6 students are doing. They have prepared this video to introduce themselves and the school to the other European schools. They have done a great job!
Hello carolina! the video is very fantastic
bye carolina
The video is fine
Christmas video of the very good i liked the china.
peque mea liked the video was about the school
Hello carolina the video of the school es very fantastic
Hello,is very fantastic.
I like when make a mistake
because its fuuny.
Hello¡¡ Carolina de video is very very like.
HeLLo carolina the video is veri good.
Helloe Carolina I´m Joan Gracia,mi part of the video is good,
but I nead to practise of the spiting the Inglish.
Godball Carolina!
Christmas video of the very good.
hello the video fantastic
hello the video is famtastic
carolina the video is fantastic
Hellow Carolina!
no parlare en angles pero 5é volem fer un video jajaja som uns copions pensareu pero no nomes volem fer un video q quedi tan bé Adeu!