Discovering the world


We want you to know that this year 2014-2015 we start a new project called “Discovering the World”. This project will introduce a session of Natural and Social Environment in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 by using the English language as the mean of communication .
We believe that English takes part of our students life and from this subject it is a good starting point to favour the  meaningful learning of the English language, which will allow us to work at the same time, independent contents . In this way children will be more competent in both English and Natural and Social Environment.
Us volem fer saber que aquest curs 2014-2015 encetem un nou projecte anomenat “Discovering the World”. Amb aquest projecte s’introduirà una sessió de medi en anglès a cicle mitjà i a cicle superior.
Creiem que l’anglès forma part de la vida del nostre alumnat i des de l’àmbit de Coneixement del Medi és un bon punt de partida per afavorir l’aprenentatge significatiu de la llengua anglesa, que ens permetrà treballar al mateix temps, continguts independents. D’aquesta manera seran més competents tant en llengua anglesa com en Coneixement del Medi.

How do we work through a project?

When we begin a project we ask three questions:
-What do we know?
-What do we want to know?
-What have we learned?
We work in six groups of four. In every group each child has a role (the leader, the recorder, the time keeper and the presenter)

Steps that we follow

1- Watching a video about the topic.
2- Explaining what we already know about the topic.
3- Creating questions to investigate what we want to know.
4- Choosing the most interesting questions (3 per group).
5- Investigating using the Internet and specific dossiers.
6- Selecting the information
7- Answering the questions with the appropriate information.
8- Preparing a power point presentation to show the class the group investigation.
9- Creating a questionnaire about the investigation contents to use as a listening activity during the presentation.
10- Presenting the power point.