Archive for 28 maig 2014

Money: Sums (4th grade)


Hello 4th grade children ! When you go shopping, how good are you at Maths? Test yourself with this activity.

Colour the prices correctly ! Tell me how many have you got correct !

EX: I got ______ correct sums !


Money wordsearch (4th grade)


Hello 4th grade students !

Dollars, Pounds, and Euros are all different currencies.

Read the clues and find the different currencies in this word search.

Click on the CLUE button for some help if you need it and tell me in a comment your results!

Ex: I spent ____ minutes and ______ seconds !


Money maze (4th grade)


Hello 4th grade bloggers ! Practise words for money with a maze.

Click on the ‘GO’ button. You’ll hear a word, for example, ‘two pence’. Click on the image next to the ‘GO’ button that matches the word. You’ll hear another word. Can you make your way across the maze and reach home?

Tell me in a comment your result !

Ex: My score is _______. I had ______ seconds left


How much is it ? (4th grade)


Hi, 4th grade children ! How much do you know about money (pounds and pence)?

You can practise doing this game. Ryan has got some money and he wants to buy some toys. Can you help him give the right money to the assistant in the toy shop?

Tell me your score in a comment !

Ex: My score in the game is _______ points.


Prepositions game (3rd grade)


Hi 3rd grade students ! Today we are doing the Exam about Units 5 and 6. I hope your marks will be EXCELLENT !

Here you can relax playing a game on prepositions.

Click on the image and look for it ! Listen to the sentence and match the sound with the picture.

Tell me your results in a comment !

Ex: I did ______ pairs correctly in _____ attempts.


Polar bear Plunge (3rd grade)


Hi, 3rd grade kids !

Let’s preserve the environment and save the polar bears through this game !

Click on the image and stop the rays of the sun before they hit the ice !

Tell me in a comment your results !

Ex: My score is _____ points.


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