
Hello, dear Escola Splai’s students !!

Here’s the new section in 2013 ! Let’s practise English playing some Educational games !



Alphabet magnets

Alphabet matching

Alphabet slider

Alphabet order

Sight word Bingo

Sight word recognition

Spelling recognition

Uppercase & lowercase letters

Keyboard zoo

Letter Blocks

Must Pop Words

Parts of speech

Spelling bees

Type a friendly letter

Synonyms and antonyms

Technology vocabulary

Coconut vowels

Spelling bees

Keyboard zoo

Antonyms, Synonyms & Homonyms

Turtle Dash

Nouns & Verbs

Verb Viper

Verb Viper

Antonyms, Synonyms & Homonyms



100 Number chart

100 Number grid

Addition with manipulatives

Balloon Pop Substraction

Base 10 Bingo

Base 10 fun

Comparing Number Values

Counting fish

Learn to tell time

Learning coins

Money Bingo

Number Bingo

Number race

Numerical Order

Dolphin feed

Math Man Jr (+)

Math Man Jr (-)

Hockey score

Puppy chase

Roman Numerals

Math Man Jr (multiply)

Math Man Jr (division)

Math Man Jr  (+ – X /)

Puppy chase

Roman Numerals

2 comentaris

  • Iolanda Orduña (10 anys)

    hola escola Splai! Ems em sembla realment “amazing” la feina que feu en anglès.
    He tafanejat el blog i he agafat moltes idees.
    Si em permeteu us faig arribar dues pàgines molt interessants per fer jocs on line.
    Espero que us siguin d’utilitat.

  • Cristina (10 anys)


    Soc mestra d’anglés al País Valencià i m’encanta el vostre bloc d’anglés i les coses que feu. M’heu inspirat moltíssim per a les meues classes.

    Continueu així!!!


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