El proper curs tindrem auxiliar de conversa!!!
Es diu Andrew McAusland i és un noi que viu a Staplehurst (Regne Unit).
Està molt il·lusionat amb la idea d’estar entre nosaltres!
Hello Andrew, My name is Joan Ramon I have a dog and 3 cats and 8 chicken.
Hello Andrew, My name is Joan Ramon I have a dog and 3 cats and 8 chicken.
I ‘m Kora. I’m Joan Ramon twin sister. we have a lizard.
I’m Eric. Do you have a girlfriend?
Hello I’m Oscar, I love motocross, best player is Antonio Cairolli.
My name is Nerea. I LIKE hockey.
Hello Andrew. I’m from England too but I live in Butsènit and I love football.
Hello everyone 🙂
Joan Ramon and Kora – I have a dog as well. She is called Ruby. I used to have a hamster!
Eric – I do not have a girlfriend at the moment, do you?
Oscar – I have watched motocross a few times but it is not as popular as other sports in the UK.
Nerea – I used to play hockey a bit at school but I was not very good!
Hopefully we can play football and other sports together, I look forward to meeting you all very soon!!
Hola Escuela de Butsènit,
Muy bien gracias y estoy muy entusiasmado de venir a España.
Hola Lily y Chenoa: Si, me gusta la música. Mis artistas favoritas son Kanye West y Mumford and Sons.
¿Quiénes son sus artistas favoritas?
Hello Lily and Chenoa: Yes, I like music. My favourite artists are Kanye West and Mumford and Sons.
Who are your favourite music artists?
Hola Aina: ¿ah sí? ¿Cuántos años tiene su hermanito?
Hello Aina: Really? How old is your little brother?
Hola Martí: Trataré traer comida inglesa. Sin embargo estoy seguro la comida español es mejor! ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
Hello Martí: I will try to bring English foot. However I am sure that Spanish food is better! What is your favourite food?
Hola Erik: Ojala pudiera traer una mascota. Tengo una perra que se llama Ruby y creo que le extrañaré. ¿Tienes una mascota?
Hello Erik: I wish I could bring a pet. I have a dog called Ruby and I think I will miss her. Do you have a pet?
Thank you for writing J
Hello Andrew,
Do you come from another planet?- David- Do you have lemon iogurt there?
Hello Andrew, can you bring macarroni with bechamel?- Judit.
I like spaguetti with tomatoes- Paula
I have a dog and my other dog has died- Sara
Hello I’m Laia I have two fishes.
Well and this is everybody here!
Thanks Andrew! Have a good time left!
Preixens School.
Hello Everyone
David I do not come from another planet no! And yes we have lemon yoghurt here, is that your favourite food?
Sorry Judit I won’t be able to bring macaroni with bechamel, it would make a mess on all my clothes!
Paula – I like spaghetti with tomatoes too 🙂
Sara – I have a dog as well, she is called Ruby!
Laia – My dad has a pond with about 30 fish and a tank with another 10!
See you all very soon 🙂
Hello Andrew,
How are you? We are the children at Preixens’ School. Today is our first day of school.
We would like to see an scotish skirt. Would it be possible for you to bring one please?
Do you play the bag pipe? Do you play any musical instrument?
We’d like to know if you play football (?)…Do you like Barça or Madrid?
We are very happy you are comming.
See you soon,
The children at Preixens.
I am good thank you, very excited to meet you all, I hope you are all well and enjoying your first day back!
I will try to bring a Scottish skirt, it is called a ‘kilt’. I don’t have one of my own any more but I will try to get hold of one!
I don’t play the bag pipes or any other musical instruments, I am sure some of you can!
I love football, and I love Barca! My favourite player is Iniesta 🙂 I guess you all like Barca too??
Is there anything else you would like me to bring from Britain?
Looking forward to meeting you all,
See you soon.
Hello Andrew,
My name is Júlia. I hope to see you soon.
I’m Xavier. I like this song
Hello. My name is Ariana. I` d like to meet you. Have you seen “Brave”? Do you like it?
My name is Denis. I hope you come teach us English and football.
I am Alba. I hope you come soon. I like jump robe and sports.
I’m Joan. I’d like you to teach my football and how to be a good goalie.
See you soon!,
Puigverd Big.
Hello everyone!
Júlia – I will get to meet you very soon 🙂
Xavier – I had never heard this song before but I like it too!
Ariana – I look forward to meeting you too. I have not seen Brave yet though I have heard it is very good so I will watch it soon!
Denis – I look forward to teaching you English and playing football with you 🙂
Alba – I love sports too, you will have to show me what jump robe is!
Joan – I would really like to play football with you. I will try to help you be a good goalie but I am a midfielder!
See you all very very soon!!
Hello Andrew,
I like barça- Yerik
My faivorit football player is leo Messi- Laura
I went to the swimming pool- Elisa
I went to the beach- Lala
Hello, how are you?- aya
I went to the beach with my family- aroa
What do we need to play criket?- aaron
Good morning, hello, do you travel by plane?- izan
Well, here is the Children at Ventoses,…they had other things to explain you as if you could bring coconuts to put in the freezer but I told them there’s no coconuts in Scotland… 😉
Can you bring some rain? It is hot here- Nunsi (School Director at Ventoses).
Well Andrew,…is there any other typical scottish thing you could bring?- Laia.
Escola Les Ventoses.
Hello Andrew! We are very happy to have you with us this year. We wish you good luck with your trip and we can’t wait to meet you soon!