Las Meninas is a 1656 painting by Diego Velázquez.
It is in the Museo “el Prado” in Madrid.
(The work’s complex and enigmatic composition raises questions about reality and illusion).
(Diego Velázquez) The colours are black, white and (braunw) brown.
Diego Velázquez was born in Sevilla( june of 1599) and he died in Madrid (sixth august of 1660). The painting was profesional and (the paintings was) it very nice. (?)by:DIANDRA
What are there in the painting.
La frase que t’he posat en blau l’has copiat d’algun lloc, no ?
Ho pots fer millor. Torno a provar. Mirar els exemples que hi ha al llibre i també com ho fan fet altres companys teus al bloc.