Daddy yanke is a singer and actor. He’s from (is) Puerto Rico. He usually wears t-shirts,jenas and a black glasses.In (her) his free time he usually sings.
(Her) His favourite food is pizza .
by : Rodrigo
Daddy yanke is a singer and actor. He’s from (is) Puerto Rico. He usually wears t-shirts,jenas and a black glasses.In (her) his free time he usually sings.
(Her) His favourite food is pizza .
by : Rodrigo
What does he like ?
Has d’utilitzar majúscules. “HER” i “HIS” signifiquen el mateix, “el seu o la seva ….”. S’utilitza HER quan l’amo de l’objecte és una persona del genere femení i HIS quan és del genere masculí, com és en aquest cas.
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