Classrooom objects review (3rd grade)
Hello, 3rd grade children !
Click on the image, watch these activities. Listen and repeat the words related to classroom material.
See you next week !
Hello, 3rd grade children !
Click on the image, watch these activities. Listen and repeat the words related to classroom material.
See you next week !
Aquest article va ser publicat per oestal a 20 octubre 2010 12:05, i arxivat sota General, Year 3. Segueix els comentaris a RSS 2.0. Podeu deixar una resposta o afegir un retroenllaç al teu bloc.
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Anglès 365: Online activities
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Clic Zone: English Clics
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He apres molt com es prununcien les paraules.
Hello!He escoltat les paraules i he apres algunes noves:schoolgirl, schoolboy…
Good bye
Hola, Oscar m’han surtit molt bé les paraules
Hello Oscar!He escoltat totes les paraules i les he repetit.Bye,bye.
That’s it, Andrea !
Fantastic, Marina !
He jugat al Classrooom objects review. Està molt “guay”….
hello!!ma agrdat molt i he apres molt espero que posis mes jocs com aquets.gooooooot!!