Archive for 14 octubre 2010
Toys Board game (2nd grade)
0Hello, 2nd grade children !
Today, we have been practising toys vocabulary playing a board game with cards.
Here you can see the result !
Hello, 2nd grade children !
Today, we have been practising toys vocabulary playing a board game with cards.
Here you can see the result !
Anglès a "Grandes Profes 2016" (Antena 3)
"The Class" a El Punt Avui TV
"Do you speak English?" al 30 minuts TV3
Matí a 4 bandes de Radio 4
Vida Verda de Radio 4
Article a La Vanguardia
Abcteach: Resources for teachers
Anglès 365: Online activities
BBC Schools: Primary activities
Boggle's world: Worksheets
Brainpop: Educational Videos
Crickweb: Interactive resources
Contenidos Educativos Digitales
Clic Zone: English Clics
Edu365: English activities
Enhanted learning: Printables
English for little children
Fact Monster: Encyclopaedia for kids
Funny English: Printable activities
LearnEnglishkids: British Council
National Geographic for kids
Resources for Primary English
Resources for teachers
English learning activities & games
Classroom decoration
Ideas for teaching
Time for kids: Magazine