Archive for 4 octubre 2010

Bloc destacat de la setmana a Xtec Blocs !


Hello Escola Splai’s families !

Us informem que Xtec Blocs ens ha proposat com a bloc destacat de la setmana. Per tant, del 4 al 10 d’octubre figurarem a la pàgina principal d’Xtec Blocs.

Moltes felicitats a tothom i gràcies per la vostra participació.



What’s the time? (4th grade)


Hello again, 4th grade children ! Now it’s time to do it yourself.

Listen to the explanation, stop the clock and try to write the time using numbers.

Click on the image to play !

Ex: I’ve got _____ correct


Teaching clock (4th grade)


Hi 4th grade students ! Look at this clock and review CLOCKS and TIME in English.

You have to click on “Clock face” and “Words” to see the time written.

Click on the image to practise !


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