Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming discovered the Penicillium notatum.
He was born in on 6th august the 1881.
Hi died in on 11 March the 1955.
Fleming was a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist.
He wrote many articles on bacteorology, immunology and chemoterapy.
His best know discoveries are the discovery of the enzyme lisozyme in 1923 and the antobiotic substance penicllin from the mould Penicillium notatum in 1928.


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One thought on “Alexander Fleming

  1. Ricard

    Has utilitzat un anglès massa complicat. De ben segur que podies fer-ho amb un anglès més senzill i més al teu abast. Podies haver explicat on va néixer i morir, així com on havia viscut.
    No havies posat foto (la he posat jo), ni tampoc fet els enllaços que també he fet jo mateix.

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