Monthly Archives: desembre 2010

La guerra dels xiclets

La guerra dels xiclets és un llibre d’en Jordi Folck publicat per La Galera dins la col·lecció Sèrie Verda dels Grumets, la qual és apta per lectors a partir de 10 anys.

Explica la història del que va passar a Anglaterra quan, per culpa d’una ensopegada de la reina Isabel II, es prohibeixen els xiclets. Llavors un grup de nens i nenes, encapçalats pel cap de la “Resistència”, en Roald, lluitaran contra aquesta prohibició.

Molts ja heu vist que aquest és el llibre que ara estic llegint a classe. Està molt emocionant. Hi algú més que l’hagi llegit o l’estigui llegint ? Vol escriure algun comentari del llibre ?

More English dialogues

You can listen more English dialogues. Here you are.

First, you can listen to Eduard, Adrià and Joel

Second, you can listen to Elif, Elena and Carla

And thrid you can listen to David and Salva

Tell the time

One video to learn how to tell the time in English
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Sabadell ciutat handbolicat de l’any 2011

La federació catalana d’Handbol (FCH) té com a objecte la promoció i desenvolupament de l’handbol a Catalunya. Alhora transmetre els valors que es deriven de la pràctica esportiva com: el treball en equip, l’esperit de sacrifici, els hàbits saludables, la tolerància i els valors socialitzadors.

Podríem destacar que l’handbol és un esport de fàcil aprenentatge.
Per a començar a jugar cal una rica diversitat d’habilitats motrius però no pas una tècnica depurada, que transmet uns valors i actituds harmònics amb els de la nostra societat actual (responsabilitat, respecte,…).
Tot això, lligat al fet que és un esport dinàmic, motivant i ple d’emocions, fa de l’handbol un esport molt agraït pels joves.

Properament anirem informant de les diferents activitats que es fan a la ciutat

What time is it ? The song

Watch this video. Do you like it ? Let’s learn how to say the time in English.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

And here, you have the lyrics of this song.

What time is it?
Summertime! It’s our vacation!
What time is it?
Party time! That’s right say it loud!
What time is it?
Time of our lives! Anticipation!
What time is it?
Summertime! School’s out scream and shout!

Finally Summers is here,
Good to be chilling out,
I’m off the clock,
The pressure’s off,
And my girl is what it’s all about…

Ready for some sunshine,
For my heart to take a chance,
I’m here to stay,
No moving away,
Ready for a summer romance…

[Troy & Gabriella:]
Everybody ready going crazy are we right?
Come on and let me here you say it now, Right NOW!

What time is it?
Summertime! It’s our vacation!
What time is it?
Party time! That’s right say it loud!
What time is it?
Time of our lives! Anticipation!
What time is it?
Summertime! School’s out scream and shout!

Good by to rules, no summer school,
I’m free to shop ‘till I drop,
It’s an Education Vacation,
And the party never has to stop,
Got things to do, I’ll see you soon,
And we’re really gonna miss you all,
G’bye you and you,
and you and you,
[Sharpay & Ryan:]
Bye bye until next fall…

[Sharpay & Ryan:]
Everybody ready going crazy are we right?
Come on and let me here you say it now, Right NOW!

What time is it?
Summertime! It’s our vacation!
What time is it?
Party time! That’s right say it loud!
What time is it?
Time of our lives! Anticipation!
What time is it?
Summertime! School’s out scream and shout!

[Troy & Gabriella:]
No more waking up at 6 a.m.
Now our time is all our own,
Enough already we’re waiting c’mon lets go..

We’re out of control!!!

School’s out, lets show it!
Champions we know it!
Wildcats! Are the best!
Red, White and Gold!
When it’s time to win we do it!
Number 1, we proved it!
Let’s say it loud! All together!
That’s what the summer is all about!

Summer’s here!
Summer time is finally here,
Lets Celebrate!
We want to hear you loud and clear now!
School’s Out!
We can sleep as late as we want to!
It’s our time!
Now we can do what ever we want to!
Summer’s Here!
It’s our time!
Come on and say what you know!
Summer’s Here!
It’s our time!
The time of our lives!


Spitaly is in Europe. It’s a big country. It’s cold in winter and hot in summer. Wheat, apples, grapes and potatoes grow in Spitaly.

by Àlex Pérez
