Monthly Archives: març 2012

Puntuacions tercer personatge misteriós

Ja tenim les puntuacions del tercer personatge misteriós. Aquesta vegada era un personatge una mica més difícil. De nou la ortografia us ha gastat una mala passada a molts. També hi ha qui ha oblidat posar de quin curs és.

1.- Adrià, i Marina 6 punts

2.- Joel R.: 4 punts

3.- Ramon: 1,5 punts

4.- Elif: 1 punt

5.- Elena i Dani F.: 0,5 punts

Ja estem preparant el nou personatge misteriós.

Podeu consultar la classificació general clicant aquí.

Roger Bacon

Roger Bacon invented the glasses.

He was from United Kingdom. Reino unido.

He was born in the year 1220.

He died in Oxford of 1294.

He worked as an apprenticed to be a scientist.

Roger Bacon was famous for his glasses.

In 1247 he returned to Oxford and he studied intensively during many years.

He lived in Oxford .

He studied in a laboratory.

Roger Bacon lived from 1214 to 1294.


Information for Wikipedia.

Photo from

Laszlo Jozsef Biro

Laszlo Jozsef Biro invented the pen (1930) but he invented more things.
Laszlo Jozsef Biro was born in Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary, September 29th, 1899.
It was a Hungarian inventor and  journalist.
Who He made ​​a total of 32 inventions, including the pen, which gave international fame.
In his native restless character had led him to play many different trades: customs broker, broker of automobiles, home seller, sculptor…
When Ladislaus had the idea of the invention that would make him famous, the pen, had invented a fountain pen, a washing machine, an automatic gear system in cars and a vehicle electromagnetic.
Throughout his life he developed many other inventions, some of which have become very popular.
I really admire Ladislao Biro for everything he has done.
In Argentina, September 29th, the day of his birth, we commemorate the Day of Inventor.
He died in November 24th, 1985 (86 years).

Information from wikipedia
Photo from monografias


James Ayscough

James Ayscough invented the sunglasses.

He was from England.

He died in England.

He was worked as an apprenticed to in an optician named James Mann from 1743 to 1747.

James Ayscough became known for his microscopes.

His sunglasses shop was in London between 1740 and 1759.

He was accused of stealing sunglasses model and was almost arrested.

He lived in London and in Darford.

He studied in a laboratory.

By inventing the sunglasses went on sale in pharmacies, to protect from the sun of some diseases.


Information for Wikipedia.

Photo from

Santiago Ramon y Cajal

Santiago Ramon y Cajal discovered how the neurons work.

He was from Spain.

He was born in Petilla de Aragon (Navarra) on 1st. May 1852

He studied in Zaragoza

He lived in Valencia and in Barcelona.

He was a doctor but he worked as a researcher in different Universities in Spain.

He did important studies and discoveries about the nervous system.

He won a lot of important scientifics prizes.

He won the Nobel Prize of Medecin in 1906

He died on 17th. october 1934.

Information from wikipedia

Photo from wikipedia

Inventions and Discoveries

Do you want to know more about important inventions and discoveries ?

Have a look here:

Here you have some names,

  • Thomas Edison,

  • Narcís Monturiol,

  • Galileo Galilei,

  • Alexander Graham Bell,

  • Robert Koch,

  • Nils Bohlin,

  • Laszo Biro,

  • Santiago Ramón y Cajal,

  • Johannes Guttenberg,

  • Marie and Pierre Curie,

  • Benjamin Franklin,

  • Albert Einstein,

  • Alfred Nobel,

  • Morse,

  • Von Zeppelin,

  • Isaac Newton,

  • Louis Pasteur,

  • Felix Hoffman,

  • Wright brothers,

  • Karl Benz,

  • G. Marconi,

  • and more and more inventors and discovers.


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