She is a girl.
She made my favorite movie, entitled Entangled.
She is a fictional character.
Small old woman kidnaps a very bad ……….
The movie has just turned 18 years.
In his spare time she likes reading, cooking, design, or combing her long hair.
what he likes to paint farples or watch in the night of his birthday
iliminan the sky, pulling his real parents from the village.
have She has a pet, It is a chameleon named Pascal.
his Her favorite food is peanut butter.
Actually the movie is English but has been translated into many languages.
by judith muñoz
PASS+ Primer de tot s’havia de posar el nom del famòs. En anglès també cal fer servir les majúscules. Quan utilitzes frases senzilles les escrius bé, però en canvi quan vols fer frases complexes aquestes són de molt difícil comprensió. El que hi ha en blau no entenc que vols explicar i per tant no t’ho puc corregir. Cal seguir l’esquema que us vaig donar. Aleshores tot és més fàcil.