Lionel Andres Messi born on june 24th , 1987
He Is better known as Leo Messi.
He’s from Argentina and is a famous footballer.
He measures 1’69 in height measured.
he’s wearing a Tracksuit in the matches parties, but when you play the girls takes shirt.
Has got He is 24 years old .
He Moved to Europe in 13 with his family.
He Is the son of  Jorge Horacio Messi, and Celia Maria Cuccittini.
He’s got a sister and a two brothers ,Rodrigo, Matias y Maria Sol.
He’s got a two cousins. They are also footplayers.  are also.

One thought on “MESSI

  1. Ricard

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    No has posat foto. L’he posat jo.

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