
His Her full name was Destiny Hope Cyrus, her grandmother‘s she’s name. SHe started a process to change its name to Mily Ray Cyrus.
Miley was born on November 23rd 1992.
Miley Cyrus is an U.S. actress and singer.
The When she was little singing she sang with her father, Billy Ray Cyrus.
It She was an actress in Disney Channel series Hannah Montana.
She Lives in Los Angeles, California.
In the photo she is wearing a red dress and she’s got smooth hair.

One thought on “Miley

  1. Ricard

    FAIL. Fas moltes errades a l’escriure les frases. Has d’escriure amb frases més senzilles i bàsiques i aleshores faràs menys errades. No t’has ajudat dels fulls de “Basic English”. Has de tenir en compte si el personatge sobre el que escrius és masculí o femení. En aquest cas femení, per tant, et cal utilitzar SHE i HER en lloc de HE, HIS, o IT.
    Pots provar de fer-ho una altra vegada amb un altre personatge a veure si et surt millor.

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