Daily Archives: 17 gener 2010
Bugs project file
When I’m older, I want to be a doctor because I like curing (of) people. I want to visit USA, China and Italy because I like to know her language and culture. I want to see the countryside. My favourite subjects at school are maths and english. I like maths because it’s very easy!
By Ana Domínguez.
Triops, animals prehistorics
Els Triops són un gènere de petits crustacis. Els triops tenen tres ulls pero a simple vista nomes es veuen dos, una closca que cobreix el cap, el cos i nombroses potes articulades. Aparentment no ha canviat de forma des de fa 220 mil.lions d’anys. Probablement és l’espècie animal vivent mes vella de la terra. XAVI MARTINEZ JARA:mrgreen:
When I’m older, I want to be a scientist because I like science and experiments. The science is interesting.
I want to visit Italy because I like Italian food. Also I want to visit Antarctica because I like snow and igloos.
My favourite subjects at school are P.E and Maths. I like Maths because it’s fun and easy.
By Fran Chamizo Benitez