Daily Archives: 13 abril 2009


Mi city is Paris. It’s a beautifull city, the French capital (‘s French). There are (a) very big palaces. There are museums houses, trees, etc. I love Paris.

The end of the last secret animal

The secret animal 8 is finished. Sergi’s animal is a snake, Cristina’s animal is a kangaroo and Xavis’s animal is a Comodo dragon. Raul, Adrià, Ana Domínguez and Mireia have worked very well. Congratulations for your great job.

The secret animal has finished.

This is the  English score top ten:

1.- Mireia: 153 points

2.- Ana Domínguez: 69 points

3.- Anna Vera: 60 points

4.- Pau Vall: 53 points

5.- Raul: 41 points

6.- Noèlia: 29 points

7.- Sara Poveda: 21 points

8.- Maria and Anna Bermúdez:  20 points

9.- Xavi: 19 points

10.- Sara Membrives: 18 points