Daily Archives: 15 abril 2009

Bee or Nottoobee

TO BE is a very important verb in English

Significa SER o ESTAR en català i és molt important dominar la seva utilització. Aquí pots trobar una manera divertida d’estudiar i practicar i seguir sumant punts.

A game for practicing the present and the past of verb to be. When you finished the game you can send your score to me (remember my e-mail: ricard57 from gmail) and I add points to your English score.


Rome is a beautiful, and old city. It is a city of a peninsula in a Mediterranean sea in Italy (Europe).
Popular places to visit are the Coliseum, ruins of Roman Empire and the Vatican. Go to visit it!RiallaGuai!
In Rome there (is) are schools, museums, restaurants, houses, parks and hospitals.