Dictation Unit 5 (5th grade)
Hello, 5th grade students! Here you’ve got the DICTATION for Thursday 12th of April. Let’s practise ! Remember to leave a comment saying your results !
Ex: I’ve got ____ mistakes
Countries and capital cities in the UK
“Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. There are lots of museums and monuments. There is a famous castle, too.
London is the capital of England. There are lots of squares, parks and museums. There is a famous bridge, too.
Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. There are lots of beautiful buildings and parks. There is a university and there is a castle, too.
Cardiff is the capital of Wales. There are lots of shops, cinemas and cafés.”
Hello Oscar,
I’ve got 1 mistake.
GOODBYEEEEEEEEEE 🙂 😉 😀 😀 😀 😛 🙁 🙂
Hi, Oscar!!!I’ve got 4 mistakes! 🙁
intentaré fer 0 mistakes!!!!!
🙂 😛 😀 😉 😀 !!
Hello Oscar, I’ve got 3 mistakes.
hello Oscar!
I have got 2 mistakes.
Bye Bye 😉 ,) 🙂
Hello oscar.
He tret 8 faltes per que no em deia aixo:Belfast is the capital of Northern Irleand.
BYE BYE 🙂 😉 😀 😛
1-10 2-5/6 3-0
a estat llarg
Hello Oscar he copiat el dictat una vegada i despres he tret 5 faltes,espero no treure cap dema!!!! GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Oscar!!!
First I’ve got 3 mistakes, then I’ve got 1 mistake.
hola oscar he fet 9 faltes.intentare millorar en el dictat.adeuuuuuuuuuuu 😎
In these dictation I’ VE GOT 3 mistakes. 🙁
🙂 🙂 😛 😀 🙂 8) !!
jo he fet 5 faltes mes lo de que li ha passat a l’oscar.
pero he millorat.
adeu!!!:) 😀 😛 😉 🙁 😐
Hello Oscar I´ve got 3 faltes