Archive for abril, 2011
Congratulations for the Spring concert !
9Hello dear Escola Splai’s students !
MOLTES FELICITATS a tots els cantants al Spring Concert celebrat el divendres dia 29 d’abril ! Els alumnes d’infantil i primària han dedicat molt de temps en preparar totes les cançons i ho han fet molt bé.
Pel que fa a les cançons en anglès, cal dir que estic molt content de què l’esforç dels alumnes s’hagi vist al llarg de les interpretacions de les cançons. Aixó prova que amb motivació i ganes, poden aconseguir el que es proposin !
Jo em quedo amb el record de les cares dels nostres alumne mentre cantaven, se’ls veia concentrats i contents, i això no té preu ! Esperem penjar properament els vídeos de les cançons pels que no van poder assistir-hi.
“Thank you so much for your great effort in the Spring Concert !”
Oscar 😀
Matching Irregular verbs 4 (6th grade)
8Hi 6th grade children ! Another matching game about Irregular verbs in the past and in the present ! You can play in pairs at home !
Click on the image to play ! Tell me in a comment how many points did you get
Ex: Player 1 and Player 2 points
Remember to study for Monday’s Exam (Irregular verbs 1-70).
Britain’s got singers 2011 (5th & 6th grade)
21Hi 5th grade & 6th grade boys and girls !
I hope you will continue preparing our song for the spring concert tomorrow. Now, we have got video homework !
Have a look at some of the contestants of Britain’s got Talent ! Do you think that they are able to sing?
Write in a comment some words you can listen about the auditions !
Ex: In Video 1 I heard …
In Video 2 I heard…
Michael Collings
Edward Reid
Oral expression: My robot (3rd grade)
2Hi, 3rd grade children !
Yesterday we were writing a description about a robot !
Here you can listen to some of the recordings !