Archive for 30 maig 2011

Ball games (4th grade)


Hi, 4th grade children !

Today, we have been preparing Wednesday’s Exam about Hairstyles, the Circus, our town and money !

Let’s watch some photographs about the ball games !

Prepositions game (3rd grade)


Hi 3rd grade students ! On Friday we are doing the Exam about Units 5 and 6. I hope your marks will be EXCELLENT !

Here you can relax playing a game on prepositions.

Click on the image and look for it ! Listen to the sentence and match the sound with the picture.

Tell me your results in a comment !

Ex: I did ______ pairs correctly in _____ attempts.


Guess the animal 2 (3rd grade)


Hello 3rd grade pupils! Can you guess these animals ? Click on the image, read the 3 clues and click on the correct animal.

Tell me your results in a comment !

EX: I got ________ animals correct !


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