Crossword: Places & Shops (5th grade)
Hello 5th grade children !
Have a look at this Crossword and try to find the shops and places vocabulary How fast are you?
Click on the image to play and tell me in a comment your results !
Ex: My score is ______ and I spent ____ minutes and ______ seconds
Hello Oscar!!!!!!
My score is 89 and I spent 1 minute and 41 seconds
Bye Bye 🙂
Hello Oscar,
My score is 100 and I spent 2 minutes and 16 seconds.
Hello Oscar:
My score is 100 and I spent 1 minutes and 54 seconds.
🙂 😆 😀 😛 😉
My score is 95 and i spend 1 minute and 15 seconds.
Hello Oscar.
My score is 90 points and i spend 1 minute and 40 seconds.
Hi, OSCAR!!!!!I’ve got 100% correct and 1 minute and 11 seconds!!!dew!!!
🙂 😛 😀 🙂 😉 :}
My score is 75 and I spent 2 minutes and 30 seconds
Hi Oscar
100% in 2 minutes and 27 seconds.
🙂 😉 😀 😛
My score is 100 and I spent 2 minutes and 29seconds
Hello Oscar ho he fet tot be n 1 minute and 23 seconds.
Lo he fet tot be en1 minut i 19 segons
My score is ___100___ and I spent _3___ minutes and ____45__ seconds
hola oscar ho he fet tot be en 1m i 39 s.
Hello Oscar,
He tardat 1 minut i 45 segons.
My score is 80 and I spent 3 minutes and 55 seconds.
hola oscar scor is a 50,
hola oscar,
he fet 98 pointsi ho he fet en 2 minuts i 47 segons.
adeu!!!! 🙂 🙁 😉 :O 😐 😛 😀 8)