Interactive book: Shops (4th grade)
Hello, 4th grade pupils ! Let’s have a look at this new resource we can find through the Internet ! The interactive book ! It can help you to practise the vocabulary related to shops and do some interesting activities !
Tell me in a comment your score for each page:
EX: In page ____ the score is _____ points.
Have a nice day !
Hello teacher, In page 20 the score is 20 points, pero la page 17 se sent fatal.
Hello Oscar!
He fet totes les pàgines bé.
Gooooooooooood Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Oscar,he fet totes les pagines bé.
Hello,Oscar a la pagina 20 he fet 20 points.
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello oscar.
en la ultima pagina he fet 20 points.
god byeeeeeeee
Hi Oscar!
In page 20 the score is 20 points, te raó el David, la pàgina 17 se sent molt malament.
Bona nit m’en tinc d’anar a dormir!
Hello Oscar,les he encertat casi totes pero com que era massa tard,no he acabat totes les pagines.